The Most Sophisticated Electronics Sold At Dollar Store


Bret Cahill

Some dollar plus store had these spinning tops that flashed nifty

Also, what one dollar item has the greatest mass?

Bret Cahill
"Bret Cahill" wrote in message

Some dollar plus store had these spinning tops that flashed nifty

Also, what one dollar item has the greatest mass?
The Catholic Church?

On 2012-01-16, P E Schoen <> wrote:
"Bret Cahill" wrote in message

Some dollar plus store had these spinning tops that flashed nifty

Also, what one dollar item has the greatest mass?

The Catholic Church?
A one dollar item that holds the greatest mass might possibly be a printout of
the full score to J.S. Bach's mass in B minor.

The Catholic Church a one-dollar item? Haha, you wish.
"Kaz Kylheku" wrote in message

On 2012-01-16, P E Schoen <> wrote:
"Bret Cahill" wrote in message

Some dollar plus store had these spinning tops that flashed nifty

Also, what one dollar item has the greatest mass?

The Catholic Church?
A one dollar item that holds the greatest mass might possibly be a printout
the full score to J.S. Bach's mass in B minor.

The Catholic Church a one-dollar item? Haha, you wish.

In the 50's our parish priest complained about "copper poisoning." He was
bitchin about folks tossing pennies into the collection basket. What would
he say now?
Bret Cahill wrote:
Some dollar plus store had these spinning tops that flashed nifty

Also, what one dollar item has the greatest mass?

Bret Cahill

There exists a response to this that combines the "you momma so
fat..." and "you momma so <cheaply promiscuous>..." ... genres in
one two word riposte.

That just doesn't happen every day. Nice.

Les Cargill
On 2012-01-16, Charles <> wrote:
In the 50's our parish priest complained about "copper poisoning." He was
bitchin about folks tossing pennies into the collection basket. What would
he say now?
He would say, "You remember back in the 50's how I complained about copper


"Well, you're still using the same newsreader you used then, which does
not properly quote other people's material, so the joke is on you."
Some dollar plus store had these spinning tops that flashed nifty

Also, what one dollar item has the greatest mass?

Bret Cahill

There exists a response to this that combines the "you momma so
fat..." and "you momma so <cheaply promiscuous>..." ... genres in
one two word riposte.

That just doesn't happen every day. Nice.
99 Cent Only sold 10 lb bags of potatoes up until a year ago. Now the
most you can get is 5 lbs. Gallon jugs of bleach or water are
probably the heaviest items.

16 - 17 years ago the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter published my "19
cents/lb diet: If it costs less than 19 cents/lb it's healthy." So
what was I eating over the holidays over a decade later? 5 lb/dollar
yams from Vons. I just loved slicing those yams 1/4 " thick, smearing
both sides with olive oil and roasting them in the convection oven for
a 25 cent breakfast.

The original constant cost idea came from repairs on an old Chevelle.
The parts _always_ cost just about $20 regardless of the technology of
the part. Obviously there was some Fundamental Law of Nature at work
that caused everything to cost $20.

It would be interesting to see the most sophisticated electronics that
could get into dollar store. One thing is certain. It won't have
more than a pound of copper wire in it.

Bret Cahill
"P E Schoen" <> wrote in message
"Bret Cahill" wrote in message

Also, what one dollar item has the greatest mass?

The Catholic Church?

How consubstantial!
Oppie wrote:
"P E Schoen" <> wrote in message
"Bret Cahill" wrote in message

Also, what one dollar item has the greatest mass?

The Catholic Church?


How consubstantial!

Better that than transubstanciation...

"m II" wrote in message

Better that than transubstantiation...

Why does your post consist of a sig file and a text attachment?

And (according to Jehovah's Witnesses) the Bible forbids the ingestion of
blood, so if transmutation of wine to blood is true, then those who partake
of the sacrament have grievously sinned.

But, being of Teutonic heritage, I still enjoy Blutwurst once in a while...

On Fri, 20 Jan 2012 17:44:19 -0500, "P E Schoen" <>

"m II" wrote in message

[attachment containing:]
Better that than transubstantiation...


Why does your post consist of a sig file and a text attachment?

And (according to Jehovah's Witnesses) the Bible forbids the ingestion of
blood, so if transmutation of wine to blood is true, then those who partake
of the sacrament have grievously sinned.

But, being of Teutonic heritage, I still enjoy Blutwurst once in a while...

Same here ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, CTO | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

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