Following question is not directly about VHDL language, but about
mathematical operations in hardware and their limits. Most reasonable
solutions to date are to have simple ALUs in the processing cores,
building complex behavior in the software.
But the world is changing and soon we will have a FPGA coprocessor as
very usual thing in the motherboard. Physics, DSP, scheduling, 3D
graphics, pattern recognition to be faster in hardware.
Is it possible (there is no practical limits) to build in
hardware ...
1) ALU which will support very fast operations on complex-numbers ? So
that it also will calculate args, phases, lengths.
2) cos, arccos, tan, pow(e, 1+2.4j) etc. ?
3) cubic and n-th roots from real numbers?
4) Are there examples of most complex math functions in processors
from the history?
Thank you in advance!
mathematical operations in hardware and their limits. Most reasonable
solutions to date are to have simple ALUs in the processing cores,
building complex behavior in the software.
But the world is changing and soon we will have a FPGA coprocessor as
very usual thing in the motherboard. Physics, DSP, scheduling, 3D
graphics, pattern recognition to be faster in hardware.
Is it possible (there is no practical limits) to build in
hardware ...
1) ALU which will support very fast operations on complex-numbers ? So
that it also will calculate args, phases, lengths.
2) cos, arccos, tan, pow(e, 1+2.4j) etc. ?
3) cubic and n-th roots from real numbers?
4) Are there examples of most complex math functions in processors
from the history?
Thank you in advance!