The Husband Who Destroyed His Wife’s Reputation [C hristina



The Husband Who Destroyed His Wife’s Reputation

March 26, 2010

The Proverbs 31 girl is described as the woman who is praised by her
husband (Proverbs 31:2), who has ‘full confidence’ in her (Proverbs
31:11). The ‘unfortunate fact of the matter’, as Hugh Grant would
state, is that my story begins a little to the contrary. If we were to
get married, you could probably describe me as ‘the husband who
destroyed his wife’s reputation’.

Misconstruing a statement she had made, I took action too quickly,
which caused her huge embarrassment, which as you can understand
coming from an Italian background, carries with it a huge sense of

For all the wisdom I believe I could provide her with as a result of
my academic training, as her potential husband, you could effectively
say she is probably more wise than me, if there is a causal
relationship between wisdom and patience, as outlined in Proverbs
19:11. Furthermore, patience is listed alongside love, joy, peace,
[patience], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-
control as a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).

From the age of about fifteen, I have had high levels of training in
marketing at tertiary level, and throughout some of the psychology
material that we covered (as well as some in Seminary), I often like
to provide a simulated stimulus, to see how people respond.
Obviously, I am not inferring that one should lie about themselves to
their future partner to see their response, but by tweaking the form
you communicate, I find it rather interesting to see how people
respond. For instance, if I were to send a multitude of emails,
because the way they respond (or don’t respond) tells you something
about their personality. Furthermore, with forensic tools that can
help you detect their following actions, you can effectively work out
what they are thinking, just as Federal Bureau of Investigation
officers are trained to in forensic psychiatry.

Throughout my discourse with Chrissy, I was blessed enough (I wanted
to say lucky enough, but I remember in year twelve when a Christian
teacher, though I went to a secular school, corrected me and reminded
me there was ‘no such thing as luck’) to have the opportunity to
converse with her in several different forms, including both casual as
well as a professional tone.

It was only then that I discovered, wow, this girl is full of the

On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 03:37:16 +0100, Sjouke Burry
<burrynulnulfour@ppllaanneett.nnll> wrote:

Tennessee wrote:
The Husband Who Destroyed His Wife’s Reputation

Hey troll, damage religion some more, will you......
Even the troll can't damage religion, it's terminallly damaged
already. But were that troll to go shoot himself, that would certainly
help things regardless.

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