THE GREAT SYDNEY QUAKE_ Soon to be known as such _ !


Jean-Paul Turcaud

See why you need that 9.2 Sydney Quake and following Tsunami on the
Eastern border of the LOB ( Land of Bastards )
You need it for a thousand reasons, but mainly because you deserve it
indeed !

If you want to know what is grind to happen in about 2 weeks time, it will
be a remake of the Lisbon Quake which 250 years ago, on the 1st of November
1755 completely devastated that city.
Have a good look of what is in wait for you all.... and that time we are
talking in term of over 500 000 death !

I hope this has given you an insight of what is stock for you all,
Bastards.... and this will be a just Collective Punishment for your
Collective Crimes indeed !
.... it will go down in History as THE GREAT SYDNEY QUAKE

But please don't heed of my warning, I would be sorry if any of you would
pull in time and reach high ground before the White Pointers & other Grey
Nurses get on your arses !!!

No regards
Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia

* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union) ,

* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 09:56:57 +0100, Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:

If you want to know what is grind to happen in about 2 weeks time, it will
be a remake of the Lisbon Quake which 250 years ago, on the 1st of November
1755 completely devastated that city.
So, what are you going to say when it doesn't happen Jean-Paul? Should we
laugh now, or just turn you in to ASIO as a terrorist with a weapon of
Mass Delusion? :D

Jafar Calley
Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:

See why you need that 9.2 Sydney Quake and following Tsunami on the
Eastern border of the LOB ( Land of Bastards )
Maybe we do need it, but since we're nowhere near a major fault line,
we're not going to get it. Stop crying for the moon.

Turdcad, you have really stepped up you rantings over the past 2 weeks,
whats going on? have you run out of tablets again.
If you hate us that much why are you warning us of this big earthquake.
If it was heading your way i wouldnt be telling you.I would be making sure
it drowned your sorry ass.
PS: hows your poodle going.

"Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in message
See why you need that 9.2 Sydney Quake and following Tsunami on the
Eastern border of the LOB ( Land of Bastards )
You need it for a thousand reasons, but mainly because you deserve it
indeed !

If you want to know what is grind to happen in about 2 weeks time, it will
be a remake of the Lisbon Quake which 250 years ago, on the 1st of
1755 completely devastated that city.
Have a good look of what is in wait for you all.... and that time we are
talking in term of over 500 000 death !

I hope this has given you an insight of what is stock for you all,
Bastards.... and this will be a just Collective Punishment for your
Collective Crimes indeed !
... it will go down in History as THE GREAT SYDNEY QUAKE

But please don't heed of my warning, I would be sorry if any of you would
pull in time and reach high ground before the White Pointers & other Grey
Nurses get on your arses !!!

No regards
Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia

* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union) ,

* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
"Sylvia Else" <> wrote in message
Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:

See why you need that 9.2 Sydney Quake and following Tsunami on the
Eastern border of the LOB ( Land of Bastards )

Maybe we do need it, but since we're nowhere near a major fault line,
we're not going to get it. Stop crying for the moon.

It doesn't take a major fault line. It just takes a physically large
of material underwater.

[quote stt]
The continental slope is the depository for large masses of sediment.
This sediment mass is saturated (naturally) and therefore relatively
buoyant and prone to slippage. The resultant displacement of water
can generate tsunamis, particularly if the sediment are along the walls
of submarine canyons or trenches.

Early data on the 1998 tsunami in New Guinea suggests that a
submarine landslide may have been triggered by a magnitude
7.0 earthquake.
[quote fin]

Risk of Tsunami hitting Sydney

(insurance companies working out risk estimates for cities worldwide)

[quote stt]
Munich Re previously calculated a risk index for megacities hit by
natural disaster. The score for Tokyo using this model is 710,
followed by San Francisco (167) and Los Angeles (100).
London is ranked at 30, while Sydney's risk index is 6.
[quote fin],5478,11804167%255E1702,
[quote stt]
AN earthquake with the potential to trigger a tsunami similar in
scale to the south Asian disaster was due on a major faultline
in New Zealand, a NSW tsunami expert said today.

Professor Ted Bryant, from the University of Wollongong, said the
South Island's alpine fault caused an earthquake every 500 years
and the last quake was about 500 years ago.
[quote fin]

earthquaks around the world over the last week

Earthquakes around the world 2005
All racist whingers deserve far worse.

"Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in message news:dntvs8$27l$
See why you need that 9.2 Sydney Quake and following Tsunami on the
Eastern border of the LOB ( Land of Bastards )
You need it for a thousand reasons, but mainly because you deserve it indeed !

If you want to know what is grind to happen in about 2 weeks time, it will
be a remake of the Lisbon Quake which 250 years ago, on the 1st of November
1755 completely devastated that city.
Have a good look of what is in wait for you all.... and that time we are
talking in term of over 500 000 death !

I hope this has given you an insight of what is stock for you all,
Bastards.... and this will be a just Collective Punishment for your
Collective Crimes indeed !
... it will go down in History as THE GREAT SYDNEY QUAKE

But please don't heed of my warning, I would be sorry if any of you would
pull in time and reach high ground before the White Pointers & other Grey
Nurses get on your arses !!!

No regards
Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology

Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia

* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union) ,

* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site

~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
"Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in message
See why you need that 9.2 Sydney Quake and following Tsunami on the
Eastern border of the LOB ( Land of Bastards )
You need it for a thousand reasons, but mainly because you deserve it
indeed !
Merry Christmas to you too Jean-Paul,

If Australia is LOB (Land of the Bastards) all I can say is ... Jean-Paul,
you are a true Australian.

I am putting you on the backburner for 2006 - go find some other poor
bastard try and decipher your rantings.
You are just too bitter and twisted for me.

You say you have no friends in Australia?
Gee I wonder why.


PS. I hope La Roche gets an assortment of plagues and natural catastrophes.
You deserve it, your mentality is warped.
"Jean-Paul Turcaud" <> wrote in message
See why you need that 9.2 Sydney Quake and following Tsunami on the
Eastern border of the LOB ( Land of Bastards )
You need it for a thousand reasons, but mainly because you deserve it
indeed !

Are you still alive? Thought your kind were killed in the Paris Riots...
Um, JP. Just a couple of things. Our Winter solstice is in July, not
December. Does that mean you have put off our tsunami until July? I'll
have to check my agendas for that month because a tsunami in July may
not be too goog - can you make it September? And I know Australia is
populated with rabits but calling the said area of Australia to be
affected by your tsunami the "Easter" Australia Border is pretty funny.
Can we now call the north coast of Australia the Sant Claus area?

And we do actually have a tsunami warning system in the Pacific. It is
based in Hawaii and is run by a US department called NOAA - National
Oceanic and Atmostpheric Administration, and this is tied in with USGS

Actually, why am I giving so much time refuting your theories when I
know it isn't going to happen because you said it is. Although this is
the second time in your posts you have mentioned that Australia will be
going through a Winter Solstice in the middle of Summer.

Take care JP and please get your facts straight.
Jean-Paul Turcaud wrote:
See why you need that 9.2 Sydney Quake and following Tsunami on the
Eastern border of the LOB ( Land of Bastards )
You need it for a thousand reasons, but mainly because you deserve it
indeed !

If you want to know what is grind to happen in about 2 weeks time, it will
be a remake of the Lisbon Quake which 250 years ago, on the 1st of
1755 completely devastated that city.
Have a good look of what is in wait for you all.... and that time we are
talking in term of over 500 000 death !

I hope this has given you an insight of what is stock for you all,
Bastards.... and this will be a just Collective Punishment for your
Collective Crimes indeed !
... it will go down in History as THE GREAT SYDNEY QUAKE

But please don't heed of my warning, I would be sorry if any of you would
pull in time and reach high ground before the White Pointers & other Grey
Nurses get on your arses !!!

Any chance you could get this tsunami re-scheduled to later in January? Its
just that I'm getting a new surf board for Christmas but will be away until
15th January, and I'd be very disappointed to miss out on what sounds like
its going to be the perfect wave. Surely a couple of extra weeks wouldn't be
too much trouble would it JP Nutcase??

Welcome to

