Trevor Wilson
"Sylvia Else" <sylvia@not.at.this.address> wrote in message
pricing and a population policy. Sydney is one of the most water-wasteful
cities on the planet. And, the big reason why the NSW government was
castigated for the desal plant is it's location. Running huge pipes across
Botany Bay makes no sense whatsoever. It's expensive and dumb.
Trevor Wilson
**Bollocks. We don't need a desalinator. What we need is realistic waterL.A.T. wrote:
"Sylvia Else" <sylvia@not.at.this.address> wrote in message
terryc wrote:
On Sat, 17 Oct 2009 11:09:18 +1100, Sylvia Else wrote:
I'm saying that there's not, because while a huge airconditioning load
is a strong predictor of the sun shining,
Wow, so that is what makes the sun shine.
Do you really think that prediction equals causation? That would explain
a lot.
You are wasting your time.
Your posts make sense, they are grammatically consistent, and you haven't
said fuck once.
Have you perhaps stumbled into the wrong newsgroup?
Well, perhaps.
But lack of understanding on the part of the public on issues like this is
a constant problem that interferes with good government. The best
decisions can be counterintuitive.
I still come across otherwise apparently intelligent people who believe
that Sydney did not need a desalinator, prefering to think that
alternatives such as rainwater tanks, recyling, storm water capture, or
building more dams, were the way to go, despite the reality that all those
options were either unfeasible, not effective, much more expensive than
the desalinator, or all of the above.
So the NSW Labor government gets castigated for the unusual course (for
them), of actually getting on and building a piece of infrastructure.
pricing and a population policy. Sydney is one of the most water-wasteful
cities on the planet. And, the big reason why the NSW government was
castigated for the desal plant is it's location. Running huge pipes across
Botany Bay makes no sense whatsoever. It's expensive and dumb.
Trevor Wilson