Once upon a time, there was a village called Diode.
The inhabitants were an excitable lot, who tended to
get charged easily, positively or negatively.
They liked to play musical chairs. When a negative
charge shifted to a higher seat, that was a current
of -1. A positive moving down, was also -1.
One day, there were 5 seats, filled with negatives.
But Eddie Electron, in #5, had too much sangria at
dinner, got sick, and went home, leaving an empty
seat, with charge +1, relative to Eddie.
So the other electrons all shifted up one seat, for
total current -4. The empty seat shifted down to #1,
hence also current of -4. Total current: -8
The next day, Paul Positron, charge +1, occupied
seat #5. Again, the negatives all shifted up one seat,
total current: -4 Paul moved to #1, for current -4.
Thus again, total current: -8
The End
The inhabitants were an excitable lot, who tended to
get charged easily, positively or negatively.
They liked to play musical chairs. When a negative
charge shifted to a higher seat, that was a current
of -1. A positive moving down, was also -1.
One day, there were 5 seats, filled with negatives.
But Eddie Electron, in #5, had too much sangria at
dinner, got sick, and went home, leaving an empty
seat, with charge +1, relative to Eddie.
So the other electrons all shifted up one seat, for
total current -4. The empty seat shifted down to #1,
hence also current of -4. Total current: -8
The next day, Paul Positron, charge +1, occupied
seat #5. Again, the negatives all shifted up one seat,
total current: -4 Paul moved to #1, for current -4.
Thus again, total current: -8
The End