The expansion of the universe could be a mirage, new theoretical study suggests...


Fred Bloggs

\"In Lombriser\'s mathematical interpretation, the universe isn\'t expanding but is flat and static, as Einstein once believed. The effects we observe that point to expansion are instead explained by the evolution of the masses of particles — such as protons and electrons — over time.\"
On Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 4:31:04 AM UTC+10, Fred Bloggs wrote:
\"In Lombriser\'s mathematical interpretation, the universe isn\'t expanding but is flat and static, as Einstein once believed. The effects we observe that point to expansion are instead explained by the evolution of the masses of particles — such as protons and electrons — over time.\"

This might be interesting if there was a shred of experimental evidence to suggest that this was a more productive way of looking at the evidence than the one we have got.

Theories are useful in as far as they make sense of evidence and point to areas where we might find new evidence. Like string theory , this just seems to be a sterile rearrangement of existing furniture.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On a sunny day (Wed, 21 Jun 2023 11:31:00 -0700 (PDT)) it happened Fred Bloggs
<> wrote in

\"In Lombriser\'s mathematical interpretation, the universe isn\'t expanding b=
ut is flat and static, as Einstein once believed. The effects we observe th=
at point to expansion are instead explained by the evolution of the masses =
of particles — such as protons and electrons — over time.\"

We need to send probes, will take a while...

Le Sage, tired light, dark matter, so many ideas..
wormholes, you name it.. strings... multiple universes..
But even if it (the universe, whatever we can see of it) was not expanding then the
question is \'what is it, are we and what is beyond what we can see / detect.
Looking at stars few days back at night, sleeping with view to the sky...
feel connected, we are just a self assembling of particles, all is connected, is there not something faster than light speed?
Quantum coupling...?

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