Whom Must We Worship
The submission of man to His Creator is the essence of Islam. The name
Islam is chosen by God (Allah) and not by man. It is the same
unifying Message revealed to all the Prophets and Messengers by Allah
and which they spread amongst their respective nations. In its Final
form it was revealed to Muhammad (Peace & Mercy of Allah be upon him)
as a complete Message to whole mankind. The Lord, Allah, is the True
and Only Creator that deserves to be worshipped. No worship is worthy
of being given to a stone, statue, a cross, a triangle, Khomeini,
Farakhan, Eliajahs, Malcoms X or Y, Ghandi, Krishna, Guru, Buddha,
Mahatma, Emperor, Joseph Smith, Sun, Moon (not to that from Korea
too!), Light, Fire, rivers, cows, Rama, Temples, Prophets, Messengers
(Yes! Muslims do not worship Muhammad-peace be upon him), Saints,
Priests, Monks, Movie Stars, Sheiks, etc.!!! All are created beings or
ALLAH, is the Name of the One True God. His Name is not chosen by man
and does not have a number or gender. It is known that Allah is the
Name of God in Aramaic, the language of our beloved Prophet Jesus and
a sister language of Arabic. The Name Allah has been used by all
previous Prophets starting with Adam and by the last and final
Prophet, Muhammad (Peace be upon them all).
The Innate Nature in man recognizes what is good and bad, what is true
and false. It recognizes that the Attributes of Allah must be True,
Unique, and All-Perfect. It does not feel comfortable towards any kind
of degradation of His Attributes not does it qualities to the Creator.
Many who became dis******* with God did so because of the practices
of the Church in medieval Europe and because of the claims of god
dwelling in a son and the concept of the original sin. However,
they escaped into worshipping a new theory called mother nature as
well as the material World. With the advancement of materialistic
technology others from different religions adopted the concept of
forgetting about God and let us live this life and enjoy it!, not
realizing that they have chosen the worship of the original god of
Rome: Desire! .As a result the enjoyment is turning to suffering
from AIDS.
NOW we can see that all of this materialistic and secular progress
produced a spiritual vacuum that led to complex social, economical,
political, and psychological problems. Many of those who fled their
religions are in search again. Some try to escape the complexity
of their daily lives via various means. Those who had the chance to
examine the Quran and Islam, proceed with a complete way of life that
relates man to establish a purpose for his presence on earth. This is
well recognized in the Attributes of Allah and what does He require
from man. He does not want man to be enslaved to any false deity:
nature, drugs, lust, money, other man, desire, or sex. He provides man
with the proofs that He is the One who can redeem so that man can free
himself from the slavery to any form of creation and to turn to his
Creator Alone. THIS Creator Has Perfect Attributes. He is the First,
nothing is before Him, the Ever Living. To Him is the Final Return
where everyone will be dealt with in the Most Perfect and Just way. He
does not begot nor He is begotten. Those who attribute Divinity to
Jesus forget or ignore the fact that Jesus was in a mothers womb. He
needed nutrition; he was born and grew up to be a man. He was trusted
with the Gospel as a Message to the Children of Israel: For there is
One God, and one mediator (i.e. a messenger) between God and men (the
Children of Israel), the man Christ Jesus) (I Timothy 2:5). A man-
messenger calling his nation not to worship him: But in vain they do
worship me! (Mathew 15:9). A man who needs to eat, walk, sleed, rest,
etc.. cannot have Divine Attributes because he is in need and God
(Allah) is Self-Sufficient.
AS far as Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Marxism, and Capitalism,
there is the devotion of worshipping created being/things in one form
or another. Jews had attributed a Nationalistic belonging to Allah.
They labeled Him The Tribal God for the Children of Israel. Men and
women following these religions were born with the natural
inclination of submission to their Creator, Allah. It is their parents
who had driven them into their respective traditions. However, once
people are exposed to the Signs of Allah around them, or in the Quran
or to someone who triggers their Fitra (natural inclination to worship
Allah Alone), the reverting process begins and that is why we see a
universal spreading of Islam. In the West and despite tha many
distortions of Islam in the Media, many admit that Islam may be the
fastest growing Faith. No sense of fairness can be achieved without a
genuine attempt to know the Word of Allah in the Quran and not on the
30-min-Evening News. This is the real challenge for those who seek the
Truth. Man is created for a purpose: to live a life in accordance with
Allahs way. Why Not? Do we posses the air we breath? Did we create
ourselves or others? Or were we ourselves the Creators? We are limited
and weak. So is our right to ignore our Creator where we all need
ISLAM is the submission in worship to Allah Alone and it is the
essence of all the Messages sent to all nations before us. Allah is
All-Just and All-Wise. He does not intend confusion for His Creation.
The religion accepted to Him is the one chosen by Him. Its essence
must be One, because He is One. It is free from geographical, racist,
and status oriented concepts. It is Perfect and it is the complete way
of life. All these qualities are chosen by Allah in His Only Religion:
Islam. Its details are in in the Quran, read it and come with an open
heart because none can expose better than the World of Allah. The
Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. He did not author it. He was
unlettered. Its translation is available in many languages in
bookstores or in an Islamic Center close to you. Take the time to read
it and come/call the Islamic Center, or speak to someone who re-verted
and submitted to Allah Alone.
The Decision is yours
The submission of man to His Creator is the essence of Islam. The name
Islam is chosen by God (Allah) and not by man. It is the same
unifying Message revealed to all the Prophets and Messengers by Allah
and which they spread amongst their respective nations. In its Final
form it was revealed to Muhammad (Peace & Mercy of Allah be upon him)
as a complete Message to whole mankind. The Lord, Allah, is the True
and Only Creator that deserves to be worshipped. No worship is worthy
of being given to a stone, statue, a cross, a triangle, Khomeini,
Farakhan, Eliajahs, Malcoms X or Y, Ghandi, Krishna, Guru, Buddha,
Mahatma, Emperor, Joseph Smith, Sun, Moon (not to that from Korea
too!), Light, Fire, rivers, cows, Rama, Temples, Prophets, Messengers
(Yes! Muslims do not worship Muhammad-peace be upon him), Saints,
Priests, Monks, Movie Stars, Sheiks, etc.!!! All are created beings or
ALLAH, is the Name of the One True God. His Name is not chosen by man
and does not have a number or gender. It is known that Allah is the
Name of God in Aramaic, the language of our beloved Prophet Jesus and
a sister language of Arabic. The Name Allah has been used by all
previous Prophets starting with Adam and by the last and final
Prophet, Muhammad (Peace be upon them all).
The Innate Nature in man recognizes what is good and bad, what is true
and false. It recognizes that the Attributes of Allah must be True,
Unique, and All-Perfect. It does not feel comfortable towards any kind
of degradation of His Attributes not does it qualities to the Creator.
Many who became dis******* with God did so because of the practices
of the Church in medieval Europe and because of the claims of god
dwelling in a son and the concept of the original sin. However,
they escaped into worshipping a new theory called mother nature as
well as the material World. With the advancement of materialistic
technology others from different religions adopted the concept of
forgetting about God and let us live this life and enjoy it!, not
realizing that they have chosen the worship of the original god of
Rome: Desire! .As a result the enjoyment is turning to suffering
from AIDS.
NOW we can see that all of this materialistic and secular progress
produced a spiritual vacuum that led to complex social, economical,
political, and psychological problems. Many of those who fled their
religions are in search again. Some try to escape the complexity
of their daily lives via various means. Those who had the chance to
examine the Quran and Islam, proceed with a complete way of life that
relates man to establish a purpose for his presence on earth. This is
well recognized in the Attributes of Allah and what does He require
from man. He does not want man to be enslaved to any false deity:
nature, drugs, lust, money, other man, desire, or sex. He provides man
with the proofs that He is the One who can redeem so that man can free
himself from the slavery to any form of creation and to turn to his
Creator Alone. THIS Creator Has Perfect Attributes. He is the First,
nothing is before Him, the Ever Living. To Him is the Final Return
where everyone will be dealt with in the Most Perfect and Just way. He
does not begot nor He is begotten. Those who attribute Divinity to
Jesus forget or ignore the fact that Jesus was in a mothers womb. He
needed nutrition; he was born and grew up to be a man. He was trusted
with the Gospel as a Message to the Children of Israel: For there is
One God, and one mediator (i.e. a messenger) between God and men (the
Children of Israel), the man Christ Jesus) (I Timothy 2:5). A man-
messenger calling his nation not to worship him: But in vain they do
worship me! (Mathew 15:9). A man who needs to eat, walk, sleed, rest,
etc.. cannot have Divine Attributes because he is in need and God
(Allah) is Self-Sufficient.
AS far as Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Marxism, and Capitalism,
there is the devotion of worshipping created being/things in one form
or another. Jews had attributed a Nationalistic belonging to Allah.
They labeled Him The Tribal God for the Children of Israel. Men and
women following these religions were born with the natural
inclination of submission to their Creator, Allah. It is their parents
who had driven them into their respective traditions. However, once
people are exposed to the Signs of Allah around them, or in the Quran
or to someone who triggers their Fitra (natural inclination to worship
Allah Alone), the reverting process begins and that is why we see a
universal spreading of Islam. In the West and despite tha many
distortions of Islam in the Media, many admit that Islam may be the
fastest growing Faith. No sense of fairness can be achieved without a
genuine attempt to know the Word of Allah in the Quran and not on the
30-min-Evening News. This is the real challenge for those who seek the
Truth. Man is created for a purpose: to live a life in accordance with
Allahs way. Why Not? Do we posses the air we breath? Did we create
ourselves or others? Or were we ourselves the Creators? We are limited
and weak. So is our right to ignore our Creator where we all need
ISLAM is the submission in worship to Allah Alone and it is the
essence of all the Messages sent to all nations before us. Allah is
All-Just and All-Wise. He does not intend confusion for His Creation.
The religion accepted to Him is the one chosen by Him. Its essence
must be One, because He is One. It is free from geographical, racist,
and status oriented concepts. It is Perfect and it is the complete way
of life. All these qualities are chosen by Allah in His Only Religion:
Islam. Its details are in in the Quran, read it and come with an open
heart because none can expose better than the World of Allah. The
Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. He did not author it. He was
unlettered. Its translation is available in many languages in
bookstores or in an Islamic Center close to you. Take the time to read
it and come/call the Islamic Center, or speak to someone who re-verted
and submitted to Allah Alone.
The Decision is yours