Dan Major
On May 3, 11:04 am, Bret Cahill <BretCah...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
food and raises the price of both food and energy. Not being one to
just "bash and dash", I ask you to consider the Fischer-Tropsch
process. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischer_Tropsch South Africa
used this to produce all of its POL when its supply of crude oil was
cut off for political reasons. also see: http://www.syntroleum.com/main.aspx
ability of the farmers to supply food. He recomended planting all the
medians and right-of-ways with crops. What problem do you see in
growing food within ten feet of smog-belching vehicles? Even if you
could throw a switch and every vehicle on the road became a "clean
electric" car, there is still polution.
1. the petroleum is running out and it will be impossible to keep the
price from increasing exponentially, and
No, you make this statement with no citation, and no basis in fact.
Except for some fundies and looneytarianated folk -- even many AGW
deniers will admit Peak Oil as a fact -- it's general knowledge.
Oh, it's one of those "Everybody knows" kind of facts...
2. we have built hundreds or thousands of non oil power plants in the
Who is "we",
Humans in industrial countries.
Well, I didn't think it was angry beavers...
the absolutely WORST thing that can be done! I creates shortages ofBio fuel does not conflict with electrification. We need to fund
credible EtOH and bio diesel projects because some driving will always
be off the freeway and out of battery only range.
NO!! Absolutely NOT. Diverting corn to be used in making ethanol is
food and raises the price of both food and energy. Not being one to
just "bash and dash", I ask you to consider the Fischer-Tropsch
process. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischer_Tropsch South Africa
used this to produce all of its POL when its supply of crude oil was
cut off for political reasons. also see: http://www.syntroleum.com/main.aspx
that by the year 2000 the population of the nation would exceed theSo we'll always need _some_ liquid bio fuel.
In the meantime do what is "design ready." Slot car the freeways.
And where would the electricity come from to power these "slots"?
Food distribution is critical to national security so funding can be
from DoD and DARPA . Start out with I-80 and 99 in the Central Valley
so that people in NY City will be guaranteed to get low cost lettuce
and carrots no mater what happens to the price of liquid fuel.
Heavily dedicated routes like I-80 can be independent of the rest of
the system and can continue to operate even if politicians don't want
to continue slot car the entire interstate highway system. Peterbilt
has a hybrid electric diesel tractor in full production.
I had a professor many years ago that did calculations and determined
ability of the farmers to supply food. He recomended planting all the
medians and right-of-ways with crops. What problem do you see in
growing food within ten feet of smog-belching vehicles? Even if you
could throw a switch and every vehicle on the road became a "clean
electric" car, there is still polution.