Bret Cahill
Last summer power from the grid was a fraction of the cost of liquid
fuel -- now it's about the same -- yet every time any shift from
petroleum to the grid was proposed the response was often something to
the effect that it was nearly impossible to build a power plant.
"I dunno, you _really_ think we can build more power plants?"
OK, time for a break.
We know two things for sure:
1. the petroleum is running out and it will be impossible to keep the
price from increasing exponentially, and
2. we have built hundreds or thousands of non oil power plants in the
There may be some discussion as to what kind of power plant you want
to build but don't try to claim that it is nearly impossible to build
more plants.
What's impossible is to find enough oil to keep the price of oil from
spiraling on world markets.
Bret Cahill
fuel -- now it's about the same -- yet every time any shift from
petroleum to the grid was proposed the response was often something to
the effect that it was nearly impossible to build a power plant.
"I dunno, you _really_ think we can build more power plants?"
OK, time for a break.
We know two things for sure:
1. the petroleum is running out and it will be impossible to keep the
price from increasing exponentially, and
2. we have built hundreds or thousands of non oil power plants in the
There may be some discussion as to what kind of power plant you want
to build but don't try to claim that it is nearly impossible to build
more plants.
What's impossible is to find enough oil to keep the price of oil from
spiraling on world markets.
Bret Cahill