...................................CHAPTER 58.....................
.................PHILLIP'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY.............
** You *know* fuck all about me!!!????!!!
*** I was almost a fucking genius!!! I could have been a Nobel Prize
** You make me puke @@#$$%^&*&.
.......... Phil (love and kisses)
..................................CHAPTER 59......................
Alan Rutlidge ( aka the WA Arse Bandit ) has the deserved reputation
being a pathological, net-stalking fruit cake.
Like the Arse Bandit's problem human import from Thailand - " Phouc
Yu" ??
The slimy cretin actually posted the story himself.
Sounds like a real ** shit hole** of a place.
So the Rutmaniac Arse Bandit would be right at home.
New Zealand transvestite = man dressed as a sheep ???
"Mark Harriss" = another slimy, stinking, anonymous, criminal
Brisbane scumbag
A posturing, gay boy, bug peeking arsehole who has never left school
is basically a worthless piece of shit.
Nevertheless, still someone for a cunt like you to admire.
Only at two things - bug peeking and wasting space on this panet.
How about you post some details ??
That is NO fact - just your autistic, asinine opinion .
Otherwise its time to publicly admit being a total fucking LIAR !!!
The claim re: " legal action " was made by you - cunt brain.
"Mark Harriss" = another slimy, anonymous, criminal Brisbane
Shame your autistic idea of "achievement" is my idea of absolutely
doing SFA.
At fucking bug peeking - ROTFLMAO !!
The pig ignorant DICKHEAD perves on microscopic bugs !!!
Looks like the asinine cunt failed to get his Phd.
The bugs musta outsmarted him !!!!!
"Scott Coutts"
** This fucking pimply faced uni puke, POS is just asking for it.
Make less stupid assumptions.
Then you will not look such a damn fool.
How many giant kicks in the arse would you like - Scott ??
Go fuck yourself - you dumb, gay boy uni puke.
Some big time pro-photographer you are - dickhead.
Lemme tell you what you are - Scott Coutts from Monash Uni ,
You are one, totally obnoxious, bullshit puking, vile, know nothing,
autistic uni wanker that needs a 40 foot flag pole shoved up your
Sure - this one has YOUR mobile phone number:
While this one give your contact number at Monash Uni.
I ** loove ** the bit that says " Title: n/a " !!!!!!
What do you do - FUCKHEAD ?
Wash tests tubes and clean the staff toilets.
Wot - no Phd ??
Scott may just be looking for a really stoopid, aging gay dickhead to
rip off his credit card and savings account to the shithouse. Just
like " Phouc Yu " did to YOU - Alan Rutlidge - in 1997.
Shall I supply him your phone number and address ???
Harris is a complete fuckwit and a troll.
You are not in his league - fuckhead.
"Scott Coutts" = fuckwit, wanker & bug peeker from Monash Uni !!
Maybe you need a personal phone call at Monash Uni so I can personally
explain to a ASININE FUCKING DEAD HEAD CUNT how to do the
bleeding bloody obvious.
Hey, GAY BOY *bug peeking* wanker - don't tempt me.
You would have done very well sending small boys down coal mines the
K - back 200 years ago.
Or, maybe managing sweat shops in modern Thailand that employ 9 year
olds for next to no pay for 14 hours per day.
Yeah - try rural China where parents sell their kids into
prostitution & for body parts.
But you will have to bribe a few officials first.
You disgust me.
A horse is a horse, of course of course.
And no-one can talk to a horse, of course
Especially when the cunt's name is "Ed -|-"
For all complaints call Phil on 02 9799 8242
...................................CHAPTER 58.....................
.................PHILLIP'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY.............
** You *know* fuck all about me!!!????!!!
*** I was almost a fucking genius!!! I could have been a Nobel Prize
** You make me puke @@#$$%^&*&.
.......... Phil (love and kisses)
..................................CHAPTER 59......................
Alan Rutlidge ( aka the WA Arse Bandit ) has the deserved reputation
being a pathological, net-stalking fruit cake.
Like the Arse Bandit's problem human import from Thailand - " Phouc
Yu" ??
The slimy cretin actually posted the story himself.
Sounds like a real ** shit hole** of a place.
So the Rutmaniac Arse Bandit would be right at home.
New Zealand transvestite = man dressed as a sheep ???
"Mark Harriss" = another slimy, stinking, anonymous, criminal
Brisbane scumbag
A posturing, gay boy, bug peeking arsehole who has never left school
is basically a worthless piece of shit.
Nevertheless, still someone for a cunt like you to admire.
Only at two things - bug peeking and wasting space on this panet.
How about you post some details ??
That is NO fact - just your autistic, asinine opinion .
Otherwise its time to publicly admit being a total fucking LIAR !!!
The claim re: " legal action " was made by you - cunt brain.
"Mark Harriss" = another slimy, anonymous, criminal Brisbane
Shame your autistic idea of "achievement" is my idea of absolutely
doing SFA.
At fucking bug peeking - ROTFLMAO !!
The pig ignorant DICKHEAD perves on microscopic bugs !!!
Looks like the asinine cunt failed to get his Phd.
The bugs musta outsmarted him !!!!!
"Scott Coutts"
** This fucking pimply faced uni puke, POS is just asking for it.
Make less stupid assumptions.
Then you will not look such a damn fool.
How many giant kicks in the arse would you like - Scott ??
Go fuck yourself - you dumb, gay boy uni puke.
Some big time pro-photographer you are - dickhead.
Lemme tell you what you are - Scott Coutts from Monash Uni ,
You are one, totally obnoxious, bullshit puking, vile, know nothing,
autistic uni wanker that needs a 40 foot flag pole shoved up your
Sure - this one has YOUR mobile phone number:
While this one give your contact number at Monash Uni.
I ** loove ** the bit that says " Title: n/a " !!!!!!
What do you do - FUCKHEAD ?
Wash tests tubes and clean the staff toilets.
Wot - no Phd ??
Scott may just be looking for a really stoopid, aging gay dickhead to
rip off his credit card and savings account to the shithouse. Just
like " Phouc Yu " did to YOU - Alan Rutlidge - in 1997.
Shall I supply him your phone number and address ???
Harris is a complete fuckwit and a troll.
You are not in his league - fuckhead.
"Scott Coutts" = fuckwit, wanker & bug peeker from Monash Uni !!
Maybe you need a personal phone call at Monash Uni so I can personally
explain to a ASININE FUCKING DEAD HEAD CUNT how to do the
bleeding bloody obvious.
Hey, GAY BOY *bug peeking* wanker - don't tempt me.
You would have done very well sending small boys down coal mines the
K - back 200 years ago.
Or, maybe managing sweat shops in modern Thailand that employ 9 year
olds for next to no pay for 14 hours per day.
Yeah - try rural China where parents sell their kids into
prostitution & for body parts.
But you will have to bribe a few officials first.
You disgust me.
A horse is a horse, of course of course.
And no-one can talk to a horse, of course
Especially when the cunt's name is "Ed -|-"
For all complaints call Phil on 02 9799 8242