As taken from aus.hifi...a weeks worth of fun...
..........................Chapter 57............................
Phil Allison and Autistic Asian Anal Fantasies.
Those TAFE remedial reading classes are just waiting for you -
No scholarships available !!!
The Asian child recognition classes are still on the drawing board -
ever since Asian sex tourism was made illegal.
Shame about "Phouc Yu " getting away with all that money of yours.
Damn shame you could not tell the cops.
What was it he had over you agian ????
** Such things as "facts" are complete strangers to vile & slimy
Thai sex tourists like you - Rutlidge.
No wonder your outraged pommy relatives left Perth to get away from
Just like you cannot tell a child from an adult.
Strange how so many sex tourists visiting Thailand have that exact
same problem .....
** Nothing one bit funny about child sex offenders infesting public
Packer's collection of child porn JPEGS really exists.
** Never fear PP - your place at Tosca Drive, Gorakan has a radar
aimed right at it.
Mark Harriss" = anonymous ARSEHOLE
Do something *** USEFUL *** - you PITA turd !!!!
The stinking, lying criminal, arsehole admits to being over 40 years
"Mark Harriss" = autistic, criminal, net stalking, stinking LIAR
An autistic, ADHD stuffed, 14 year old though.
And all fuckwits are morons.
the fucking anonymous arsehole is probably lying his head
** Wanna go suck his dick too - like you do Rutlidge, Packer and
all the crooks who sold you snake oil junk ??
Harrarse has no life to mention and posts nothing but bullshit.
** A low pile of narcissistic shit like Harrarse will stoop to
** TT is an obvious criminal psychopath.
Obvious to most, but not another one like Harrarse.
Fuckwit, degree suckers like Harrsarse are a dime a dozen.
Education system charlatans will happily suck this asinine,
narcissistic POS dry of every one of his dimes.
Even worse than the criminal shonks that sell snake oil hi-fi.
So says a gutless, criminal, net stalking, know nothing, bullshitting,
anonymous lying pig.
One of TTs gang of anencephalic thugs.
For all complaints call Phil on 02 9799 8242
..........................Chapter 57............................
Phil Allison and Autistic Asian Anal Fantasies.
Those TAFE remedial reading classes are just waiting for you -
No scholarships available !!!
The Asian child recognition classes are still on the drawing board -
ever since Asian sex tourism was made illegal.
Shame about "Phouc Yu " getting away with all that money of yours.
Damn shame you could not tell the cops.
What was it he had over you agian ????
** Such things as "facts" are complete strangers to vile & slimy
Thai sex tourists like you - Rutlidge.
No wonder your outraged pommy relatives left Perth to get away from
Just like you cannot tell a child from an adult.
Strange how so many sex tourists visiting Thailand have that exact
same problem .....
** Nothing one bit funny about child sex offenders infesting public
Packer's collection of child porn JPEGS really exists.
** Never fear PP - your place at Tosca Drive, Gorakan has a radar
aimed right at it.
Mark Harriss" = anonymous ARSEHOLE
Do something *** USEFUL *** - you PITA turd !!!!
The stinking, lying criminal, arsehole admits to being over 40 years
"Mark Harriss" = autistic, criminal, net stalking, stinking LIAR
An autistic, ADHD stuffed, 14 year old though.
And all fuckwits are morons.
the fucking anonymous arsehole is probably lying his head
** Wanna go suck his dick too - like you do Rutlidge, Packer and
all the crooks who sold you snake oil junk ??
Harrarse has no life to mention and posts nothing but bullshit.
** A low pile of narcissistic shit like Harrarse will stoop to
** TT is an obvious criminal psychopath.
Obvious to most, but not another one like Harrarse.
Fuckwit, degree suckers like Harrsarse are a dime a dozen.
Education system charlatans will happily suck this asinine,
narcissistic POS dry of every one of his dimes.
Even worse than the criminal shonks that sell snake oil hi-fi.
So says a gutless, criminal, net stalking, know nothing, bullshitting,
anonymous lying pig.
One of TTs gang of anencephalic thugs.
For all complaints call Phil on 02 9799 8242