Thanks to all for the excellent advice and help. It is the simple
things that complicate life. Here, my age had all to do with the
problem. My eyesight is not what it used to be, color descrimination
is also on the wane. I mistook an old 20k resistor for the 2k base
resistor shown in the sketch. It's funny how an orange band can be
mistaken for a red one. The circuit is fine now. Again, many thanks.
things that complicate life. Here, my age had all to do with the
problem. My eyesight is not what it used to be, color descrimination
is also on the wane. I mistook an old 20k resistor for the 2k base
resistor shown in the sketch. It's funny how an orange band can be
mistaken for a red one. The circuit is fine now. Again, many thanks.