Julius Henry Marx
For a Raspberry Pi 3B+ setup I am working on I would like to use an Astec AA21430 power supply I can get for ~ US$10.00.
It seems to be ex-Cisco (part# 34-1609-02) and would be ideal as it puts out 9.50A @ 5.0V which I expect that given its provenance should be stable and solid at least up to 8.50A.
The thing is that I *already* have a couple of Sun Microsystem power supplies I have never been able to use because I have not found a way to actually *start* them (power switch does nothing) and although I searched high and low, never found a way to do it.
I don\'t want to pile up *more* unusable hardware so I\'m asking here before I go out and fetch it.
This Astec PS seems to be a simpler affair: the cable connector is a keyed Molex 90331 and the outputs are labeled P1 through P6.
P1 - purple = -12.0V 0.5A max
P2/P5 - black = COM
P3/P4 - red = +5.0V 9.5A max
P6 - yellow = +12.0V 1.2A max
In another life, when tested ATX power supplies to recycle, had a bridge with a female 24 pin socket and wire shorting PS_ON to ground but I have no idea if this power supply will start with its own power switch or if it needs something else.
I\'d appreciate any input from those who know more about this type of PSs.
Thanks in advance.
For a Raspberry Pi 3B+ setup I am working on I would like to use an Astec AA21430 power supply I can get for ~ US$10.00.
It seems to be ex-Cisco (part# 34-1609-02) and would be ideal as it puts out 9.50A @ 5.0V which I expect that given its provenance should be stable and solid at least up to 8.50A.
The thing is that I *already* have a couple of Sun Microsystem power supplies I have never been able to use because I have not found a way to actually *start* them (power switch does nothing) and although I searched high and low, never found a way to do it.
I don\'t want to pile up *more* unusable hardware so I\'m asking here before I go out and fetch it.
This Astec PS seems to be a simpler affair: the cable connector is a keyed Molex 90331 and the outputs are labeled P1 through P6.
P1 - purple = -12.0V 0.5A max
P2/P5 - black = COM
P3/P4 - red = +5.0V 9.5A max
P6 - yellow = +12.0V 1.2A max
In another life, when tested ATX power supplies to recycle, had a bridge with a female 24 pin socket and wire shorting PS_ON to ground but I have no idea if this power supply will start with its own power switch or if it needs something else.
I\'d appreciate any input from those who know more about this type of PSs.
Thanks in advance.