Testing a Thyratron



New one to me. 6K25 tested on an Avo CT160.
Data for 30mA, 100V settings is , under mA/V column 2K ohm.
neg grid voltage is undoubtably 4.1V, above that and meter swings below 0
and below 4.1V it swings over fsd.
What is the 2K figure, do you have to take and graph out values around the
"flash over" point ?

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
I should say I started with setting of 40V then 60, then 75, 90 and finally
100V. Didn't note it but the -4.1V trigger voltage appeared at 60V , I
think, and hardly changed. Just for the archives - as thyratron testing is
not very kind to test-sets. I could not decide whether to start with lower
current setting , but decided to set at the data criterion of 30mA and vary
the anode volts. Switching to test and back as quick as possible to save the
meter movement.

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
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