One of my customers tests there PCB's with a flying probe tester. When
they find a common problem area on there boards, they want to have a
fixture that will test those points on all the panels. I have made an
adjustable fixture that will raise and lower 2 probes onto the panel in
the problem area accurately so they can test all the panels. The
problem I have now is that the flying probe tester can test for voltage
or current I believe. I have to be able to run the same test on my
little fixture. The voltage and current are adjustable on there
machine. It's a Mania Speedy flying probe tester. The listed specs for
the tester are adjustable 25 to 250v and 30 to 300mA. I need to figure
out how I can generate these different voltage/currents and to check
for a pass/fail. I don't know very much about flying probe testing so
any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
they find a common problem area on there boards, they want to have a
fixture that will test those points on all the panels. I have made an
adjustable fixture that will raise and lower 2 probes onto the panel in
the problem area accurately so they can test all the panels. The
problem I have now is that the flying probe tester can test for voltage
or current I believe. I have to be able to run the same test on my
little fixture. The voltage and current are adjustable on there
machine. It's a Mania Speedy flying probe tester. The listed specs for
the tester are adjustable 25 to 250v and 30 to 300mA. I need to figure
out how I can generate these different voltage/currents and to check
for a pass/fail. I don't know very much about flying probe testing so
any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!