for my self written uart (learning by doing ;-) I wrote a testbench and
want to use configurations for the test cases:
package uart_tb_pkg is
type wire_t is (loopback, stuck_high, stuck_low, random);
end package;
use work.uart_tb_pkg.all;
entity TB_uart is
generic (
WIRE_TYPE : wire_t := loopback);
end entity;
architecture testbench of TB_uart is
end architecture;
library ieee;
use work.uart_tb_pkg.all;
entity TB_uart_Wrapper is
end entity;
architecture structure of TB_uart_Wrapper is
TB : entity work.TB_uart(testbench);
end architecture;
configuration tb_uart_loopback_cfg of TB_uart_Wrapper is
for structure
for TB : work.TB_uart(testbench) -- L356
use entity work.TB_uart(testbench)
generic map (WIRE_TYPE => loopback);
end for;
end for;
end configuration;
But I get the error:
Error: ../vhdl/TB_uart.vhd(356): (vcom-1141) Identifier "tb_uart" does
not identify a component declaration.
each time I use configurations I got into trouble :-(
Is this way possible? How to get it working using vhdl93?
for my self written uart (learning by doing ;-) I wrote a testbench and
want to use configurations for the test cases:
package uart_tb_pkg is
type wire_t is (loopback, stuck_high, stuck_low, random);
end package;
use work.uart_tb_pkg.all;
entity TB_uart is
generic (
WIRE_TYPE : wire_t := loopback);
end entity;
architecture testbench of TB_uart is
end architecture;
library ieee;
use work.uart_tb_pkg.all;
entity TB_uart_Wrapper is
end entity;
architecture structure of TB_uart_Wrapper is
TB : entity work.TB_uart(testbench);
end architecture;
configuration tb_uart_loopback_cfg of TB_uart_Wrapper is
for structure
for TB : work.TB_uart(testbench) -- L356
use entity work.TB_uart(testbench)
generic map (WIRE_TYPE => loopback);
end for;
end for;
end configuration;
But I get the error:
Error: ../vhdl/TB_uart.vhd(356): (vcom-1141) Identifier "tb_uart" does
not identify a component declaration.
each time I use configurations I got into trouble :-(
Is this way possible? How to get it working using vhdl93?