Test qwerty

Just thought this might be of interest to anyone who uses a qwerty

The transposition of the letters dfjk with etni on a standard keyboard
increases the amount of text typed from the four keys under the middle
and index fingers by five times, from 7.5% to 37%. While not as
efficient as the Dvorak keyboard, it is much easier to learn. The
transposed keys remain under the same fingers, the transition can be
thought out without benifit of a keyboard map. For those who might
worry that they will not be able to go back to qwerty, the experience
of many Dvorak users is that a typist can be bikeybordal. The letters
etni are fairly easy to get used to but you may find yourself trying to
type dfjk from their old locations.

I have found a keyboard remapping program that is free, downloads
quickly and is very easy to use. I am typing this post on a keyboard
remapped to the etni transposition layout.
The program is called 'Keytweak 2.11' and can be googled up by that
name. It is available from several sites, includeing PC magazine. The
creator of the program is Travis Krumsick.

After you have loaded the program hit start.
Click the keytweak icon and a graphic of a keyboard will appear.
Click the 'Full teach mode' at the bottom of the screen.
A box will appear. Click 'begin teach mode'.
Press the key you want to reassign, then the key you want it reassigned
to. In this case d and e.
Click 'remap key#1 to key#2'
The box will disappear and the scancodes of the keys will appear in the
'pending changes' window at the bottom right.
Follow the same procedure for the remaining seven remaps.
Click 'apply' and you will be asked if you want to turn off the
computer to apply the changes.
At the top there is also a clickable 'restore defaults' to give you
back your qwerty layout.
The whole process takes less than five minutes.
And less than a minute to undo.
What have you got to lose, except six minutes.


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