Test me!


Steve Evans

Hi eveyrone,

I'm not at all sure that electronics is for me. If I'm wasting my time
I need to know now, before I waste any more. Can you guys help me out?
Set me some questions to answer on the *whole range* of the subject,
judge my responses and tell me straight if I'm no good. You'll be
helping me if youre truthful. I can take it. I have my doubts about my
abilities in this area. I'm good at other stuff so if I'm crap at
this, I'll have something else to turn to. Don't feel awkward about
telling me so. I just need an objective evlaluation of wether it's
worthwhile my conintuing with this hobby or not.



Fat, sugar, salt, beer: the four essentials for a healthy diet.
"Steve Evans" <smevans@jif-lemon.co.mars> wrote in message
Hi eveyrone,

I'm not at all sure that electronics is for me. If I'm wasting my time
I need to know now, before I waste any more. Can you guys help me out?
Set me some questions to answer on the *whole range* of the subject,
judge my responses and tell me straight if I'm no good. You'll be
helping me if youre truthful. I can take it. I have my doubts about my
abilities in this area. I'm good at other stuff so if I'm crap at
this, I'll have something else to turn to. Don't feel awkward about
telling me so. I just need an objective evlaluation of wether it's
worthwhile my conintuing with this hobby or not.



Fat, sugar, salt, beer: the four essentials for a healthy diet.
Hi Steve,
You won't find out this way.
Take some courses at your local C.C. or Vo-Tech.
Only you will know.
Good Luck,
Rich Grise wrote:

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 23:44:25 +0000, Steve Evans wrote:

Hi eveyrone,

I'm not at all sure that electronics is for me. If I'm
wasting my time
I need to know now, before I waste any more. Can you
guys help me out?
Set me some questions to answer on the *whole range* of
the subject,
judge my responses and tell me straight if I'm no good.
You'll be
helping me if youre truthful. I can take it. I have my
doubts about my
abilities in this area. I'm good at other stuff so if
I'm crap at
this, I'll have something else to turn to. Don't feel
awkward about
telling me so. I just need an objective evlaluation of
wether it's
worthwhile my conintuing with this hobby or not.

If this is all the more interest you have in it, it's not
for you. If
electronics were "your thing," you'd be asking us to
explain the exercises
in the tutorial, not asking whether you should bother.

If you like making little circuits and stuff, go for it,
but if it's a
chore, you'd be wasting everybody's time.

Just do something you love to do, and the details will
pretty much take
care of themselves. :)
That's the key right there Steve; this isn't really
something that can be tackled objectively because nobody but
you knows whether you love it or not. The closest thing to
objective generic hobby advice I know of is this; if it's a
_passion_ with you, you won't be able to _not_ do it. You
will simply keep looking until you find ways to understand
what you need to know to do it.

You will also have to accept that you have limitations;
if you can't handle say calculus or Boolean logic, then you
just can't. There are still very large horizons within the
total domain of electronics for you to play in.

If it's essential to some other passion, like say
building movie prop duplicates with blinking lights and
sound effects, you may have to force yourself a little bit,
but not much.

So ask yourself "Why did I get into this in the first
place?". If the answer is strictly a rational one like "It
paid the bills", your time and effort may be better spent

Mark L. Fergerson
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 23:44:25 +0000, Steve Evans wrote:

Hi eveyrone,

I'm not at all sure that electronics is for me. If I'm wasting my time
I need to know now, before I waste any more. Can you guys help me out?
Set me some questions to answer on the *whole range* of the subject,
judge my responses and tell me straight if I'm no good. You'll be
helping me if youre truthful. I can take it. I have my doubts about my
abilities in this area. I'm good at other stuff so if I'm crap at
this, I'll have something else to turn to. Don't feel awkward about
telling me so. I just need an objective evlaluation of wether it's
worthwhile my conintuing with this hobby or not.
If this is all the more interest you have in it, it's not for you. If
electronics were "your thing," you'd be asking us to explain the exercises
in the tutorial, not asking whether you should bother.

If you like making little circuits and stuff, go for it, but if it's a
chore, you'd be wasting everybody's time.

Just do something you love to do, and the details will pretty much take
care of themselves. :)

I't good to see someboy that's actually this self-aware - you will go far,
whatever you decide to do.

Have fun!
Subject: Re: Test me!
From: Rich Grise rich@example.net
Date: 11/22/2004 9:35 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: <pan.2004.

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 23:44:25 +0000, Steve Evans wrote:

Hi eveyrone,

I'm not at all sure that electronics is for me. If I'm wasting my time
I need to know now, before I waste any more. Can you guys help me out?
Set me some questions to answer on the *whole range* of the subject,
judge my responses and tell me straight if I'm no good. You'll be
helping me if youre truthful. I can take it. I have my doubts about my
abilities in this area. I'm good at other stuff so if I'm crap at
this, I'll have something else to turn to. Don't feel awkward about
telling me so. I just need an objective evlaluation of wether it's
worthwhile my conintuing with this hobby or not.

If this is all the more interest you have in it, it's not for you. If
electronics were "your thing," you'd be asking us to explain the exercises
in the tutorial, not asking whether you should bother.

If you like making little circuits and stuff, go for it, but if it's a
chore, you'd be wasting everybody's time.

Just do something you love to do, and the details will pretty much take
care of themselves. :)

I't good to see someboy that's actually this self-aware - you will go far,
whatever you decide to do.

Have fun!
Hi, Steve. Rich is spot on.

There are a couple of other considerations, too. First, you have to ask
yourself if you're a "people person", and if you actually enjoy dealing with
people and helping them solve their problems. Long term, that's at least as
important as technical competence. Second, you have to ask yourself if you
have any competence at math. You can always take a few courses if you've got
any math ability, and learn as much as your abilities will let you. A bare
minimum would be secondary school algebra/trigonometry to start with, and
preferably a high school calculus sequence as a comfortable minimum.

Good luck -- as Lazarus told Brother Francis of Utah, "And may you find your
voice soon, boy. Olla allay!"

That's a decision you should make on your own. Nobody on a news group knows
you well enough personally to judge your abilities. If you: like to take
things apart, learn how things work, and/or enjoy solving problems, I think
you'd do well.


"Steve Evans" <smevans@jif-lemon.co.mars> wrote in message
Hi eveyrone,

I'm not at all sure that electronics is for me. If I'm wasting my time
I need to know now, before I waste any more. Can you guys help me out?
Set me some questions to answer on the *whole range* of the subject,
judge my responses and tell me straight if I'm no good. You'll be
helping me if youre truthful. I can take it. I have my doubts about my
abilities in this area. I'm good at other stuff so if I'm crap at
this, I'll have something else to turn to. Don't feel awkward about
telling me so. I just need an objective evlaluation of wether it's
worthwhile my conintuing with this hobby or not.



Fat, sugar, salt, beer: the four essentials for a healthy diet.
"Mike" <no_spam@comcast.net> wrote:

If you: like to take
things apart, learn how things work, and/or enjoy solving problems, I
think you'd do well.

I think he wants to hear some arguments for choosing electronics as a

Here are a few: It is cheap compared to other hobbies, and it is getting
cheaper all the time, because the components are developed and advanced
features become available at very low prices.

Like, 15 years ago I could buy a Z80 cpu for 10 dollars, today I can by a
thousand times faster processors for similar amounts.

Other hobbies usually get more and more expensive year after year.

Electronics is a very interesting hobby, you can continue to learn all
life, because there is a lot to discover. You have use for knowledge of
electronics everywhere in our modern world. Every time you need to
connect or upgrade your computer you will know what you are doing
compared to other computer users.

It doesn't take much space, especially if you use modern surface mount
components. The working space you need is a table and a chair.

Electronics is also used in many other hobbies, like radio controlled
models, radio amateurs, experiments in biology or chemistry often need
electronic interfaces, sound electronics and music, model railroads, car
and motorcycle electronics, computers, etc..

So electronics can be a bridge to other hobbies, and other people.

It gives a better understanding of electronic devices, which is very
valuable in the world we live in today, and in the future.

Roger J.
"Steve Evans" <smevans@jif-lemon.co.mars> wrote in message
Hi eveyrone,

I'm not at all sure that electronics is for me. If I'm wasting my time
I need to know now, before I waste any more. Can you guys help me out?
Set me some questions to answer on the *whole range* of the subject,
judge my responses and tell me straight if I'm no good. You'll be
helping me if youre truthful. I can take it. I have my doubts about my
abilities in this area. I'm good at other stuff so if I'm crap at
this, I'll have something else to turn to. Don't feel awkward about
telling me so. I just need an objective evlaluation of wether it's
worthwhile my conintuing with this hobby or not.



Fat, sugar, salt, beer: the four essentials for a healthy diet.
Subject is just too vast to be tested on. People who've spent a lifetime
career in it will readily admit to not knowing it all. It's big enough to
become skilled in a small area without even knowing what's going on

I've noticed though, one common factor seems shared by the electronics
careerists, enthusiasts, hobbyists, or whatever, and that's a continuing
need to 'Chase the Dragon'.
Essentially they're Junkies. Pretty much been that way since kids. Always on
the lookout for the next intellectual high or buzz, based on some kind of
control of the natural world.
Starts out with taking clocks apart and sticking fingers in mains outlets.
Can end up with designing obscenely complex control sytems or demise due to
major hit from errant Tesla lightning bolt.

The kid just putting a crystal set together can know what that special buzz
means. Once experienced it's not easy to ignore or forget.
If you've not yet had a full blown high or even a hint of one then it's
honestly not worth putting further effort in. Other pastures out there

The subject's attraction/downside is that it is *not* simple. The reward is
that the quality of the numerous intellectual highs/hits can exceed that of
many illegal substances.
So you've just had some great sex, rolled over, lit a fag (UK only!) and
start musing about that neat diode linearising arrangement. You're an hour
late for a night out with the lads because you just *had* to see what
bandwidth that amp was giving.

It creeps up and becomes a bit of an addiction. It's not easy to just say
"Yeah, so I do a bit of phase, so what, I can handle it. I can easily pack
it in".

If you do know these things are not within your nature then the choice not
to pursue the subject is easy!.


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