Bruce Varley
Mr Teslas vision seems to have surfaced again, in a smaller form maybe. See
www.witricity.com. They're claiming a power capture of 60 watts at a
distance of 2 metres from the source, there isn't much technical detail
provided but they do state that the system's based on resonant coils, and
operates at a frequency of 9 MHz. They also state that it's 'safe' (Mandy
Rice-Davies springs to mind).
Any thoughts on this? Based on work I've done on underground communications
using near field equipment, it doesn't look totally kosher to me. Unlike a
microwave path, near fields can't be focussed to any degree AFAIAA, If
there's 60 watts available at 2 metres, then there could be significant RF
energy available around the source in many directions. Lower frequency than
mobile phones, but tens of watts rather than milliwatts involved. And if the
geometry is over a couple of metres, there would be a significant amount of
RF radiation as well, the regulatory people may not be too impressed with
one in every second home.
www.witricity.com. They're claiming a power capture of 60 watts at a
distance of 2 metres from the source, there isn't much technical detail
provided but they do state that the system's based on resonant coils, and
operates at a frequency of 9 MHz. They also state that it's 'safe' (Mandy
Rice-Davies springs to mind).
Any thoughts on this? Based on work I've done on underground communications
using near field equipment, it doesn't look totally kosher to me. Unlike a
microwave path, near fields can't be focussed to any degree AFAIAA, If
there's 60 watts available at 2 metres, then there could be significant RF
energy available around the source in many directions. Lower frequency than
mobile phones, but tens of watts rather than milliwatts involved. And if the
geometry is over a couple of metres, there would be a significant amount of
RF radiation as well, the regulatory people may not be too impressed with
one in every second home.