Tesla generator sellers -> FAKE!!



if anyone run on this offer, do not even bother to read, and spread it all
around how this is a fraud;


this works only in theory...and main detail those guys dont even mention is;
ANTENNA!!! ...all they say in their preview is; "...to connect antenna" (no
lenght, no dimension, nothing)

ANTENNA is 99% of entire generator...and they are trying to sell a "shematic
and tutorial" for generator by focusing on circuit board, which is less
important matter in this case...

ANTENNA as inductor needs to be 100 meters long wire just to run a simple
LED....and to make a 100Watts power source by this generator you need MILES
and MILES of long wire (or web) that can absorb radio (electromagnetic)
waves and transduct it into a useful current..

so, this "secret" revealed project they sell is not worth of spending
47$...its absolute crap...personally i wouldnt pay even 47 cents

what they did is they made a device, generator based on principle of
"crystal detector"...and this is not a secret thing at all...every hobist in
electronics knows or should know what is crystal detector and how it
God Bless Torrent:


why to pay 47$ when you can have it for free...

finally, you will see how this book is total crap and fraud...not worth even
of 47 cents...
On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 20:04:59 +0200, "Gagi-9a6aag" <gagi@hi.htnet.hr>

God Bless Torrent:


why to pay 47$ when you can have it for free...

finally, you will see how this book is total crap and fraud...not worth even
of 47 cents...
A pretty good sign that these sorts of articles are fake can be seen
by what happens when you go to the Website and then leave without
reading it all.
You normally get a pop up box with "Are you sure you want to navigate
away from this page.", and then find that if you try and leave you get
repeated pop ups telling you not to go.
Most scams seem to use the same navigation trick with their websites.
"Mauried" <mauried@tpg.com.au> wrote ..

Changing the subject completely.....sorry 'bout that !

Nikola Tesla was obviously a brilliant man - though more an engineer than a scientist -
3-phase AC was his triumph - but he also had some strange ideas that have proven
to be impractical so far- like long-distance RF power transmission.
The real genius of the 19th century was a Scot called James Clerk Maxwell, whose
mathematical insight transformed the world.
On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 22:40:42 +0200, "fritz" <yaputya@microsoft.com>

"Mauried" <mauried@tpg.com.au> wrote ..

Changing the subject completely.....sorry 'bout that !

Nikola Tesla was obviously a brilliant man - though more an engineer than a scientist -
3-phase AC was his triumph - but he also had some strange ideas that have proven
to be impractical so far- like long-distance RF power transmission.
The real genius of the 19th century was a Scot called James Clerk Maxwell, whose
mathematical insight transformed the world.

There are many technologies that work in an engineering sense, but
dont work from an economic sense.
Long Distance RF power transmission is one of these.
The concept works fine , but the amount of energy that gets lost in
the transmission means that the concept isnt practical except for very
small amounts of power.
My electric toothbrush does just this.
Many technologies are like this , ie on a small scale they work fine,
but when scaled up are impractical.
"fritz" <yaputya@microsoft.com> wrote in message
"Mauried" <mauried@tpg.com.au> wrote ..

Changing the subject completely.....sorry 'bout that !

Nikola Tesla was obviously a brilliant man - though more an engineer than
a scientist -
3-phase AC was his triumph - but he also had some strange ideas that have
to be impractical so far- like long-distance RF power transmission.
The real genius of the 19th century was a Scot called James Clerk Maxwell,
mathematical insight transformed the world.

well, all i can add in sense of selfpraising is that i am proud to say how
Nikola Tesla is from place where i live...actually, he lived in small
village called Smiljani but he was attending school in Karlovac city, same
school i did graduate as well...however, regarding his work and famousity,
you would be surprised how here is not much of signs of ikola Tesla...just
few monumental boards on some buildings like "Nikola Tesla was here...blah
blah" and some little museum center at his brith place....but all in all;
shamefull how small interes is for history in general..
maybe coz he was "bought " by Americans....well, thats just so typical
story...anything that was worth , Americans did BOUGHT and made it look
like; "Americans invent...Americans achieved....Americnas
succeed...Americans created....Americans won..." but if we take some closer
insight of who are those "Americans" then it is easy to figure out how most
of those contributors are nothing but "mercenaries" boughted / payed to come
there and contribute under "American flag" so America can praise herself;
"we did this...we did that"

same what is going on in sports...personally i have 2 examples of that kind
in my own circle of friends....one is a tennis player and one is a boatman
(oarsman) olimpic....Americans saw them and bought them for fair price, now
they bring medals under American flag....and Americans can proudly say; "we
are..." well...they are shit...all they did is PAY the medal...they didnt
create it in their society by selecting their own people, training
them..they simply bought it...coz those guys, Jarnevic and Somen are still
nothing but Croats by their blood, no matter of USA citizenship they
got...and there are sooo many such of examples world wide...just like Nikola
Tesla was one of...

well, thats far from subject now, however..back to Nikola Tesla...AC by
Tesla and Edisons light bulb are two geratest invention ever...inventions
that did revolutionally changed the world and we are still desperatly using
it....however...there is a sign showing how Edison's light bulb is slowly
going down..and till 2020. year it might happen that lightbulbs wil be
completely replaced with LED technology bulbs...and till 2030. year they
presume how classic light bulb will be HISTORY....but for AC by Tesla they
still dont see any kind of alternative yet....so, on long run, i think that
Nikola Tesla is the winner of all scientists ever so far...

now, some could say how there are many more inventions that did change the
world...of course...we cant degrade contribution of Bell's telephone,
Brauns, Einstines, Szilards, Oppenheimers..etc.. contribution about nuclar
missiles...or some of Croatian inventions like parachute, solid ink pencil,
propeller, torpedo...or even fashion detail a "neck tie"...but all of these
are not of crucial importance that made a revolutional change of world...coz
how many of us did use torpedo?..parachute?...or do we really miss something
if we dont wear a neck tie....but we all use AC and light bulbs....all way
around the world...night and day...up and down..left and right...back and
On Apr 1, 1:34 pm, "Gagi-9a6aag" <g...@hi.htnet.hr> wrote:
"fritz" <yapu...@microsoft.com> wrote in message


"Mauried" <maur...@tpg.com.au> wrote ..

Changing the subject completely.....sorry 'bout that !

Nikola Tesla was obviously a brilliant man - though more an engineer than
a scientist -
3-phase AC was his triumph - but he also had some strange ideas that have
to be impractical so far- like long-distance RF power transmission.
The real genius of the 19th century was a Scot called James Clerk Maxwell,
mathematical insight transformed the world.

well, all i can add in sense of selfpraising is that i am proud to say how
Nikola Tesla is from place where i live...actually, he lived in small
village called Smiljani but he was attending school in Karlovac city, same
school i did graduate as well...however, regarding his work and famousity,
you would be surprised how here is not much of signs of ikola Tesla...just
few monumental boards on some buildings like "Nikola Tesla was here...blah
blah" and some little museum center at his brith place....but all in all;
shamefull how small  interes is for history in general..
maybe coz he was "bought " by Americans....well, thats just so typical
story...anything that was worth , Americans did BOUGHT and made it look
like; "Americans invent...Americans achieved....Americnas
succeed...Americans created....Americans won..."  but if we take some closer
insight of who are those "Americans" then  it is easy to figure out how most
of those contributors are nothing but "mercenaries" boughted / payed to come
there and contribute under "American flag" so America can praise herself;
"we did this...we did that"
That's about right. I remember reading a book about the history of
great inventions
and for pretty much every one of them from out of the USA they were
actually invented by immigrants.
The only exception from the book that comes to mind was Coca-cola (if
you can seriously call that an "invention").

We have seen here what happens when people from outside succeed, or
beat Americans too
Look at what happened to Alan Bond and his crew over the America's cup

same what is going on in sports...personally i have 2 examples of that kind
in my own circle of friends....one is a tennis player and one is a boatman
(oarsman) olimpic....Americans saw them and bought them for fair price, now
they bring medals under American flag....and Americans can proudly  say; "we
are..."  well...they are shit...all they did is PAY the medal...they didnt
create it in their society by selecting their own people, training
them..they simply bought it...coz those guys, Jarnevic and Somen are still
nothing but Croats by their blood, no matter of USA citizenship they
got...and there are sooo many such of examples world wide...just like Nikola
Tesla was one of...
They sell out, but I cannot really blame them for accepting large sums
that they
may never achieve in their home land.

well, thats far from subject now, however..back to Nikola Tesla...AC by
Tesla and Edisons light bulb are two geratest invention ever...inventions
that did revolutionally changed the world and we are still desperatly using
it....however...there is a sign showing how Edison's light bulb is slowly
going down..and till 2020. year it might happen that lightbulbs wil be
completely replaced with LED technology bulbs...and till 2030. year they
presume how classic light bulb will be HISTORY....but for AC by Tesla they
still dont see any kind of alternative yet....so, on long run, i think that
Nikola Tesla is the winner of all scientists ever so far...

now, some could say how there are many more inventions that did change the
world...of course...we cant degrade contribution of Bell's telephone,
Brauns, Einstines, Szilards, Oppenheimers..etc.. contribution about nuclar
missiles...or some of Croatian inventions like parachute, solid ink pencil,
propeller, torpedo...or even fashion detail a "neck tie"...but all of these
are not of crucial importance that made a revolutional change of world...coz
how many of us did use torpedo?..parachute?...or do we really miss something
if we dont wear a neck tie....but we all use AC and light bulbs....all way
around the world...night and day...up and down..left and right...back and

Interesting how every country seems to claim all sorts of inventions.
I don't know about the ones
you mention but have seen Australians credited with all sorts of
inventions, including the digital computer.

I don't know about where you live - but here electric light might
cease to exist if we don't do something about the
"watermelon" green party and environmentalists. Good to see that
people are rapidly waking up though.
school i did graduate as well...however, regarding his work and famousity,
you would be surprised how here is not much of signs of Nikola Tesla...just
few monumental boards on some buildings like "Nikola Tesla was here...blah
Same around here.... Some bloke called FOO..

"kreed" <kenreed1999@gmail.com> wrote
They sell out, but I cannot really blame them for accepting large sums
that they
may never achieve in their home land.
well...neither i blame them...money makes go world around....but it is a
wrong image presented to the world when it comes to winning a
medals...Americans are not so great as they are presenting themselves, they
just have enough money to buy that title....good for them as they can :)

Interesting how every country seems to claim all sorts of inventions.
I don't know about the ones
you mention but have seen Australians credited with all sorts of
inventions, including the digital computer.
well..i never speak abut somethig i am not sure about...so those i have
mention were authorized ones by Croats...anyway...sometiems is tricky coz
for example, a man who invented a propeller for water was Croat who went to
Italian harbour "institute" ...and was working there privately researching
new technologies in marine domain....so, invention of boat propellers is
some way divided between Italians and Croats coz inventor was Croat but he
made that on Italian soil, thankfully, Italians even admited he was Croat
who was just working there and who got married an Italian woman finally (who
died from TBC btw and he stopped with most of his projects)

but i see your point...for example...French are trying to take a credit for
"invention" of fashion detail "neck tie"....but its well known history how
it came to France...our mercinary troops, Croats, were under command of
Baron Trenk whos uniforms were decorated with scarfs around neck hanging
down, a red ones....so the red color is also our national color...(red and
white chessboard pattern) ...so, as Napolen did hire Croatian mercinaries,
Baron Trenk made an order that every soldier must wear that scarf around
neck to be recognized as Croatian mercinary....Frenchies did like their
scarf the way they were wearing it and the way it was knotted aorund neck so
Baron Trenk presented it to French officers and soon it was well acepted
fashion detail all over France....and since France was always focused on
fashion, it was noticed even world wide and spreaded alla round the
world....so, most of people think how neck tie actually came from
France...but OK...let we say how French can take a credit for "helping" us
to "publish" this fashion detail much easier then we woudl be able to coz
lets face the truth; who knows for some little nation called; "Croats"....we
are just one little almost invisible spot on world map :))

small and invisible contry but we were favorites for gold at football world
championship 1998.....but we ended just 3rd then...blah :))

i am nothign special in any way...just ordinary man who lives a daily life
of majority with no remarkable contributions...but it makes you proud to
realize how such a small and almost invisible country gives such a
contribution to world and such successes by those remarkable individuals...

I don't know about where you live - but here electric light might
cease to exist if we don't do something about the
"watermelon" green party and environmentalists. Good to see that
people are rapidly waking up though.
well...where do i live...geographically i live almost in heart of
Europe...but politically we are in stone age of Africa :)))))))
well..just joking....but not far for truth :)

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