I'm looking for a part exactly like a terminal barrier strip except
one that has no barriers. Basically, I want to distribute power to
multiple devices (in this case 7 5mW laser pointers) and thought a
strip where I could just connect the wires would work well. I've
tried searching some of the electronic sites (digikey, jameco, etc)
and Google but can't find what i'm looking for. Any thoughts or
suggestions for a different way to hook them all up?
Would it be typical to simply use a small pc board and solder up rows
of pins and then place 2pin connectors on the ends of the laser wires?
Power and ground would connect to the board and I would just chain the
connections down each row of the board?
one that has no barriers. Basically, I want to distribute power to
multiple devices (in this case 7 5mW laser pointers) and thought a
strip where I could just connect the wires would work well. I've
tried searching some of the electronic sites (digikey, jameco, etc)
and Google but can't find what i'm looking for. Any thoughts or
suggestions for a different way to hook them all up?
Would it be typical to simply use a small pc board and solder up rows
of pins and then place 2pin connectors on the ends of the laser wires?
Power and ground would connect to the board and I would just chain the
connections down each row of the board?