Frank Nitsche
Hi everybody,
does anyone know how to simulate the thermo-electrical behaviour of a
chip heater? We have to design an on-chip temperature control for an
ASIC which should contain an on-chip heating and should control it's own
temperature by some on-chip temperature sensors (e.g. diodes or ptat).
I know that we simply can use spectre to simulate the behaviour of the
electrical part depending on the temperature but what's about the
heating?. Does anyone has an idea how we can simulate the chip
temperature (and possibly it's distribution across the chip) depending
on the electrical parameters of the circuitry (e.g. heating current or
power dissipation). The chip should be directly used to heat up and
analyze a liquid.
Best regards
Dr. Frank Nitsche
Technical Manager Chipdesign
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does anyone know how to simulate the thermo-electrical behaviour of a
chip heater? We have to design an on-chip temperature control for an
ASIC which should contain an on-chip heating and should control it's own
temperature by some on-chip temperature sensors (e.g. diodes or ptat).
I know that we simply can use spectre to simulate the behaviour of the
electrical part depending on the temperature but what's about the
heating?. Does anyone has an idea how we can simulate the chip
temperature (and possibly it's distribution across the chip) depending
on the electrical parameters of the circuitry (e.g. heating current or
power dissipation). The chip should be directly used to heat up and
analyze a liquid.
Best regards
Dr. Frank Nitsche
Technical Manager Chipdesign
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