I'm looking for some help designing a crcuit to measure temperature in
a central heating system.
Sepcifically, I have a ZWorld OP7200 programmable display which has
several Analog inputs.
I have no trouble writing the sofware to read the analog inputs, but
would like some help deisgning the external circuitry. What type of
temperature sensors should I use? Temperature Dependant Resistors?
Something else? There will be 2 of them in total, one recording
temperature of flow from the boiler, and one reading temperature of
water returning to the boiler, by being clamped onto the copper pipes,
near the boiler.
Any help would be gratefully accepted, schematics (JPG or Eagle etc)
would be fantastic. It doesn't need to be specific to the OP7200.
a central heating system.
Sepcifically, I have a ZWorld OP7200 programmable display which has
several Analog inputs.
I have no trouble writing the sofware to read the analog inputs, but
would like some help deisgning the external circuitry. What type of
temperature sensors should I use? Temperature Dependant Resistors?
Something else? There will be 2 of them in total, one recording
temperature of flow from the boiler, and one reading temperature of
water returning to the boiler, by being clamped onto the copper pipes,
near the boiler.
Any help would be gratefully accepted, schematics (JPG or Eagle etc)
would be fantastic. It doesn't need to be specific to the OP7200.