Maybe I should make an abusive phone call so they cut me off a bit quicker this time.
They keep billing me for a phone account I've never seen before.
Who owns 0400 710177 ?
He only dialed 101 a dozen times.
Maybe they set up a bill for my prepaid, that's the only time I dial 101, don't think it's me.
Telstra got him (errr me) for Voice To Text and Message Bank fees, they did that trick
on my iPhone too - suddenly the $85 per month hits over $100 per month.
Imagine if the son of God was an American!
God Bless ME!
Maybe I should make an abusive phone call so they cut me off a bit quicker this time.
They keep billing me for a phone account I've never seen before.
Who owns 0400 710177 ?
He only dialed 101 a dozen times.
Maybe they set up a bill for my prepaid, that's the only time I dial 101, don't think it's me.
Telstra got him (errr me) for Voice To Text and Message Bank fees, they did that trick
on my iPhone too - suddenly the $85 per month hits over $100 per month.
Imagine if the son of God was an American!
God Bless ME!