Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) invites Consult



Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) invites Consultation on
Media Ownership

TRAI has today released a consultation paper on Media Ownership.
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) vide their letter dated
22/5/2008 has sought TRAI’s recommendations on the need for cross
media and ownership restrictions in India for radio, broadcasting and
print medias. These recommendations have been sought under Section
11(1)(a) (ii)and (iv) of the TRAI Act.

Government of India has provided for restrictions in ownership of
companies seeking licenses/permissions/registrations under various
Policy Guidelines issued from time to time for electronic media. As of
now such restrictions are in place with respect to DTH services and
Private FM radio. TRAI has also been recommending similar restrictions
in its various recommendations on Private Terrestrial TV, Headend-In-
The-Sky (HITS) and Mobile TV. These have come at different times and
stages of growth. Therefore there is a need to lay down a holistic and
clear cut approach towards cross-media and ownership restrictions for
the future growth of these sectors.

The Ministry has identified the issues that are to be deliberated more
widely and deeply as:

The need for Cross Media and ownership restrictions, and whether the
existing laws are adequate to address the concerns or a separate
legislation is needed.
With more and more broadcasting and telecom companies entering into
delivery of service, whether there should be restrictions on ownership
of cable/DTH/IPTV/Mobile TV companies by broadcasting/telecom
companies or vice-versa.
Study the policy structure and restrictions in other parts of the

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