Tektronix Acquisition fails

  • Thread starter Echelon Diagnostics Ltd
  • Start date

Echelon Diagnostics Ltd

I have a number of Tektronix TDS scopes which fail the acquistion start up
tests. Anyone know the cause here??
Thanks in advance

Gearoid Loughnane
Echelon Diagnostics Ltd
Unit 1, Palmerstown Business Park,
Palmerstown, Dublin 20, Ireland.
Phone: +353(087)4111072
Mailto: echelon@hotmail.com
Echelon Diagnostics Ltd wrote:
I have a number of Tektronix TDS scopes which fail the acquistion start up
tests. Anyone know the cause here??
Thanks in advance
go to tek.com and download the service manual. There MAY be a clue in
I've fixed two TDS540s with numerous self test failures by replacing
all the electrolytic caps on all the boards. Yes, ALL 150 or so of
them...then washing the boards several times with a toothbrush and solvent.

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