Tektronix 7603


Jeff Urban

The old 7613 died. The power supply has a problem and I suspect
something is shorted somewhere. So I ran across a 7603 on craigslist
cheap, but with no plugins. So I figured there ya go, I don't have
much use for mesh type storage anyway, in fact I think it was pretty
much a waste of time, at least for my purposes.

So I figured there might be trouble when I got there, I expected to
see a spot in or near the center of the screen but it was not. There
was deflection without plugins, but at least it's not shorted out.

So I plug my plugins in ( care to rephrase that anyone ? ) and instead
of a flat trace in the absence of vertical input I have a sawtooth.
Changing the timebase only affects the trace slightly, through most
ranges it is showing one cycle, only the slope changes. It seems
obvious that the vertical deflection is polluted by the horizontal
deflection, and without the plugins it was deflected by power supply

I downloaded the print from bama (the mirror site actually) and it is
a typical Tektronix manual. Like I really needed a refresher on how a
UJT works LOL. Of course it's useful in a sense but it doesn't really
point me in any meaningful direction. Soon I am going to have to go
hands on and just start taking the thing apart. Looking at the print I
have suspects but don't know where anything is.

The point is I'd like to get in and out of this thing. I want the
covers back on and it working without staying apart on the bench for a
week. I am fairly sure it's going to be a filter either in the power
supply or just after it somewhere. Could probably find it quick enough
with a scope..... should I break out the old B&K ?

Mainly I'm looking for some pointers to make this a bit more painless.
I wouldn't mind having the 7613 back up and running but this will do
just fine. In fact, once this is up and running I wonder if anyone
might be interested in the parts from the 7613. I don't even want to
speculate on the price of the CRT, which is strong and burn free BTW.
I'm thinking though for the furture alot of the 7613 parts should fit
the 7603, or am I wrong about that ?

Any help or advice will be highly appreciated.

Jeff Urban schrieb:
Hi Jeff,

Ask for help in the VERY helpful "TekScopes" Yahoo group.


Jeff Urban wrote:
I do not care to join any more groups. This is sci.electronics.repair
correct ? This is an electronic instrument I wish to repair.

I need another internet ID like a hole in the head, and let me tell
you when I was in my twenties I got shot in the face, so I can assure
you I don't need any more holes in my head. What is Usenet dead ? I
know I am posting through Google but that's the only way I have right
now. I was here a long time ago and if I could I would retrieve my old
ID, but I can't.

S.E.R. is dead ? I have to go to yahoo ?

Sorry, I'll just sell the Tek. Fuck it.

This is the reason so many have left the group for greener pastures.
They got tired of whiny jerks like you.

All you need is a Yahoo Email address to join any Yahoo group that
will take you, but they aren't interested in pissing and moaning.

You aren't related to Bill Turner, by any chance? You bitch and
whine just like he used to.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense.
I do not care to join any more groups. This is sci.electronics.repair
correct ? This is an electronic instrument I wish to repair.

I need another internet ID like a hole in the head, and let me tell
you when I was in my twenties I got shot in the face, so I can assure
you I don't need any more holes in my head. What is Usenet dead ? I
know I am posting through Google but that's the only way I have right
now. I was here a long time ago and if I could I would retrieve my old
ID, but I can't.

S.E.R. is dead ? I have to go to yahoo ?

Sorry, I'll just sell the Tek. Fuck it.

"This is the reason so many have left the group for greener pastures.
They got tired of whiny jerks like you. "

You know a hell of alot about me out of one post. I am a whiney
jerk ?

Interesting assessment. You know what, I don't need that or any other
Tektroniks, or any other type of bullshit equipment like that. Gimme
my P2P, PC and good soundcard. I'll throw the fucking Tektronix out on
the treelawn after a treatment with the hammer. No problem.

Was that your goal ? Hope so, so you can be proud of yourself. And,
this little self help group here, help your self. Yuo DON'T want me to
lift a finger, now.

Tell Jim Yanik I am sorry, I'll see him at the NRA meeting. The rest
of you, go fuck yourselves.

Fukt if I have to sign this, you knopw who the fuck I am.

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