I've got a Tek 465B that has lost the B sweep from the 50 microsecond range
to the 1 microsecond range. Above or below that range all looks and works
Suspecting the timing switch board, I have checked every component and cam
switch contact, all were good. After reassembly the sweep came back for a
few minutes and then went out again. The B Sweep start gate signal is
present at P4541 pin 1, but there is no output at Q4570. Any ideas??
to the 1 microsecond range. Above or below that range all looks and works
Suspecting the timing switch board, I have checked every component and cam
switch contact, all were good. After reassembly the sweep came back for a
few minutes and then went out again. The B Sweep start gate signal is
present at P4541 pin 1, but there is no output at Q4570. Any ideas??