Tek 1M1


Claude Frantz

What is the purpose of the 1M1 plugin ? Where can I find more
information about it ?

On Tue, 05 Jul 2005 14:58:30 +0200 Claude Frantz
<r31dmaeu@unibw-muenchen.de> wrote:

What is the purpose of the 1M1 plugin ? Where can I find more
information about it ?
From Stan Griffiths book:

"The 1M1 is a test plug-in used for recalibrating 530, 540, and 550
series oscilloscopes. It loads the power supplies like the various
plug-ins to be used, aids in setting the vertical gain, tests the
chopped and alternate features, and has a fast-rise square wave
generator to test the oscilloscope vertical response. The 1M1 was also
known as the TU-7 and by the Tek part number 067-0521-00."

I've never seen a 1M1, but I have a 3M1, which is much the same but
for the 560 series of scopes. The 3M1 does not have the built-in
square wave generator.

Jim Adney jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, WI 53711 USA

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