Tech Assist


Leonard Caillouet

I received the message below from the owner of the TechAssist listserve and
web site. For those of you who do not know, it is a list and site devoted
to electronics techs mostly repairing consumer displays in the US and
Canada. The listserve has proven very valuable to me for keeping up with
lots of newer products and for help when I need info on something that I am
less familiar with. The web site has an archive of service manuals and
tips. The subscription is $60 per year and worth every penny to me, anyway.
It is only available to techs who have a legitimate business repairing

If any of you have considered subscribing, now would be a good time to do
so. My subscription is due and he will extend it for a year if I sign
someone up. I'll share the net cost with the first person who signs up and
gives me credit for it, making the subscription $30 for each of us.


We need to increase membership by just a few hundred members. If any of the
paid members could refer a member, and that member pays a full years dues we
will credit your account for another full year at no cost to you. All they
need to do is put your email address as the business name on the
registration form.
If we can increase membership by just a few hundred legitimate techs, we
here at the site would be able to improve this site tremendously. If you
know any technicians that you would like to see here With us please try and
get them in the door.
Thanks ALL Jay

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