teach yourself pic microcontroller book



this book is very good for beginners and it includes practical

the link of the book:


best regards
hossam wrote:
this book is very good for beginners and it includes practical

the link of the book:


best regards
Thank you for drawing this Ebook to my attention. For other users of
this group who don't want to risk downloading archive files containing
PDFs of unknown origin, the original source of this Ebook is on the
Microtronics Pakistan PIC Lab-II page:
as 'Download Training Manual 2.0':

A brief examination of the Training Manual 2.0 shows that it is well
written in clear basic english (albeit with a slightly foreign
'flavour') by Dr. Amer Iqbal.

It is based on the PIC18F452, programmed in Proton Basic:

Although it is a tutorial linked to the PIC Lab-II, enough information
and circuit details are given to enable its use with other demo boards
and PICs. Conversion to other high level languages would require
moderate familiarity with the target toolsuite.

The TOC is:
Introduction to Microcontrollers 6
Understanding Hardware 27
Setting up the Programmer 35
Setting Up Proton Basic Compiler 38
Basic Programming Language … A Primer 41
I/O Ports 48
Writing Your First program 52
Reading Switches 57
Using Graphic LCD 66
Asynchronous Serial Communication 70
Sound and Digital Signals 79
Analog Module 88
On-Chip EEPROM 94
On-Chip CCP Capture | Compare | PWM 98
Pulse 103
Interrupts 105
Timers and Interrupts 109
I2C Communication 117
Basic Electronics 120
Expanding Microcontroller I/O Lines 124
H-Bridge and DC Motors 126
Stepper Motors 128
Real Time Clock 130
Making a frequency Counter 133
Working with Matrix LED Displays 139
MPLABŽ and ICD-2 144
Using Boot Loader 145
Its nice to see a PIC getting started book made freely available that
does not concentrate on assembly on a PIC16F84!

I have not tried any of the examples and do not comment on the quality
of the code.

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