teac dc-d2200 bad sound from audio CD



I have an old TEAC DC-D2200. When playing audio CD I have
a channel (right) wich give no sound or very disturbing sound.

according to the service manual, this part is made
of I/V converter and a Low-pass filter with KIA4558 (dual dip 8 OpAmp)

How can I find the bad components ?

With an oscilloscope, a service manual, and perhaps a test disc with
constant test tones.
Playing the test disc, one can trace the signal, which is the essential
first step of any such repair.
Barring a "known problem" on this model, any other advice you get on this
one will be speculation.

Mark Z.

Please reply only to Group. I regret this is necessary. Viruses and spam
have rendered my regular e-mail address useless.

"vbr" <vbr@vbr.dnsalias.org> wrote in message
I have an old TEAC DC-D2200. When playing audio CD I have
a channel (right) wich give no sound or very disturbing sound.

according to the service manual, this part is made
of I/V converter and a Low-pass filter with KIA4558 (dual dip 8 OpAmp)

How can I find the bad components ?


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