Barry & Nikki
Hello, I was wondering if there are any differences between the 8568Q and
the one with the Q/S1 designation. The car stereo that I am repairing calls
for the S1 but I was wondering if the TDA8568Q could act as a direct plug in
replacement without any problems and still allow everything to function as
intended? The main reasoning is the price difference between the two. Better
yet can anyone sell me a TDA8568Q/S1 for a decent price? Please email me at
bearmore@whidbey.com I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
the one with the Q/S1 designation. The car stereo that I am repairing calls
for the S1 but I was wondering if the TDA8568Q could act as a direct plug in
replacement without any problems and still allow everything to function as
intended? The main reasoning is the price difference between the two. Better
yet can anyone sell me a TDA8568Q/S1 for a decent price? Please email me at
bearmore@whidbey.com I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.