TCL Scripts




I have not been working with VHDL too long and am now in a position
where I must start using TCL scripts. Can somebody give me a brief
outline of what they are and how to start using them?
I have seen various explanations in the help menu "TCL COMMANDS" etc.
It seems fairly straightforward but why would I want to use them?


Steve (Steve) wrote:
I have not been working with VHDL too long and am now in a position
where I must start using TCL scripts. Can somebody give me a brief
outline of what they are and how to start using them?
Why do you need to use them, without knowing what they are and what
they are good for?

I have seen various explanations in the help menu "TCL COMMANDS" etc.
It seems fairly straightforward but why would I want to use them?
Is it because your prof wants you to use them?

Tcl is s script language (often Tcl/Tk, Tk is a graphical toolkit for
Tcl is IMHO a pain compared to other script languages, but most
EDA-Tools support the use of Tcl to improve the designflow. Therefor
you need to know a bit about Tcl to write scripts that do the nasty
part of the synthesis for you.
Tcl/Tk allows you to build complex frameworks with integrated
EDA-Tools if you like to have something fitting exactly your needs.

bye Thomas
Hi Steve,

you may use them because life can get easier by using TCL.
You can introduce some automation into your design flow
for example in adding constraints to your design (pin assignments,
clock settings etc.).

I have never used TCL but as I can see they are often used when
make settings on IP cores.


It seems fairly straightforward but why would I want to use them?



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