
but we provide jobs for families!!!!

Did you really think this through that mining is a job like every other taxed profession?

Unless miners want to join the working from home prostitutes union and skip paying tax?


Jean-Paul Turcaud

Australia Mining Pioneer

Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold Mine),

Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert

Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant

Founder of the True Geology


West Australia Premier

The Right Hon Colin Barnett

6000 Perth WA


Final letter Written for the 40th Anniversary of Telfer Mine
Discovery on Oct 2010

La Rochelle on the 1st of August 2010

Mr Barnett,

With regards to your letters to me of December 2009, Mars 2010 and
last May 2010, I note that your memory has been erased of the service
rendered to your dastardly country by a gallant French prospector, in
discovering 3 mines in the Great Sandy Desert, and the demonstration
of this is easily provided by your failure to even remember the Royal
Inquiry required on the matter of the Telfer Mine Swindle of
shareholders & discoverer, this during 7 sessions of your own
Parliament of West Australia. (ref: your very Hansard)

The frauds i.e. Tyrwhitt, Thomson & Koehn, who have claimed & have
received official credit by both the Newmont / Newcrest Mining
Criminals as well as your West Australia Geological Survey, have none
of them carried out any exploration prior to my discoveries & prior to
the involvement by myself of “reputed” mining companies such as
Newmont, Anglo-American & Western Mining Company now BHP. It is an
evidence that your WAGS was not even able to bring such facts to
light, demonstrating clearly that here again such Rogerson Dir. &
predecessors are just docile moles of patented Mining Criminals, all
the more since it can be easily proven that none of that geological
filth will publicly renew with any of their pretentions now.

In all my answers to you, I have provided evidence which of course
does not interest you, nor your Government, as it did previous ones,
since matter of Truth indeed and the writing of the correct History of
your dastardly land of Australia is based on fabricated History. Again
you are not, 40 years later, able to put a name forward for the
discoverer of the 3 mines actually in exploitation in the Great Sandy
Desert, namely Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre, except liars, thieves &

In your last letter you said the issue I raise is primarily between me
and private companies. Stating this you are a definitive liar, since
official recognition & official gratitude has always been granted by
the State to the most meritorious amongst its people. Through that
your lack of courage & indeed gutlessness appears in fine light
indeed, against the background of superior geological intelligence &
stamina I have personally demonstrated all along, not only in making
those outstanding discoveries but, without saving my efforts, proving
the way you, Australians, have robbed me of all financial rewards, of
all credit, as well as of all social life…which incidentally is not a
regret since it led me to pull away from your definitive Hell on

In such circumstances it would be inappropriate for me to accept from
such dishonest individual, as you have proven yourself to be, any
token of gratitude & recognition either on your behalf or on behalf of
the State of West Australia you do represent, and your vile attempt to
consider misleading report of the WAGS as such, are rejected here out
of hand by myself. Further only liars, thieves & criminals of your ilk
could be honoured by any officialities coming from your direction, as
well as the ones of your predecessors & successors, who share with you
such most common convict qualities indeed. All things being equal, I
am pleased that none of the further 3 majors discoveries I made have,
including the re-discovery of Rooney’s, have come to light in all that
time, hence confirming that anything you, Australians, cannot
steal you cannot get indeed!

Accordingly I return to you your 3 worthless letters with the note :
“REFUSE” followed by my signature.

I forbid expressly you and your kind, as well as your debased Mines &
Land Departments to use my name in anyway, pretending in so doing
paying respect to someone who did so much for your miserable country.
Of respect indeed you have none, and in the future being mentioned by
your kind of Australian Bastards, will be considered by myself & my
family as insult added to injury.

…although to tell you the truth, not only you, but all your kind and
your shameful country have ceased to exist as from that very time. I
further never, and since I left it quite a few years back, ever looked
at anything at all making reference to it in any way.

Any further correspondence from your quarter will be ignored & burned.

No regards


17000 La Rochelle France
On Aug 3, 7:34 am, Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times
<> wrote:
Jean-Paul Turcaud

Australia Mining Pioneer

Cry me a river fraudulent turd.

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