Tapping 6-32 in aluminum

On Sunday, April 5, 2015 at 10:34:56 AM UTC-4, Lloyd E. Sponenburgh wrote in rev.crafts.metalworking:
Ignoramus10114 <ignoramus10114@NOSPAM.10114.invalid> fired this volley in

strength not an issue

Then one sizes it according to what you want to mount.

I mentioned 2.5x.45 metric... some also use 3 x 0.5mm, but even
that's smaller than 6-32.

If you need to mount through screw insulators (like for mounting
a transistor or a floating-case regulator like an LM-317, you may
be hard-put to find any insulators that will fit even 6-32... metric
has more-or-less filled that market.

With a rapidly expanding international market where demand for metric outstrips demand for trade (in everyplace but the US), its not surprising.

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