Taoism (was Re: Uber ... )...

On 17/6/2023 08:08, one wrote:
dolf provided:

YOUTUBE: \"2000 - Star Trek: Voyager - Unimatrix Zero\"


Interesting, and unfortunate for me, is how hearing is not
at this particular stage of old age having lost frequencies
which are, presumably, within the range of most hearers.

The Canon of Supreme Mystery 太玄經 is properly as #81 tetrads x 9 being
then 365 - YANG / #364 appraisals and thusly as #729 = 9x9x9 is a cube
or @1 + #728 - morphos.

the BORG hive are also represented as a CUBE ...

Verzet is zinloos - you will be assimilated!

YOUTUBE: \"The Borg Assimilation\"


Even with my cyborg hearing aids, what is being said
is unrecognizable and reminds one who, being me, of
what could be said to be nonbeing as well as how dao
that are dao are not always the Dao.

- thanks! Cheers!

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