So I'm working on repairing a Korg MS2000B synthesizer for a friend with
a dead power supply. Here's the service manual:
The first thing I notice when looking inside is that the small SMT 100uF
10V tantalum capacitor C109 has completely vacated - it appears to be
gone, blown right off the board. There are some little fragments
rattling around in the case.
I have little experience with tantalum capacitors. Any suggestions for
a more reliable replacement?
a dead power supply. Here's the service manual:
The first thing I notice when looking inside is that the small SMT 100uF
10V tantalum capacitor C109 has completely vacated - it appears to be
gone, blown right off the board. There are some little fragments
rattling around in the case.
I have little experience with tantalum capacitors. Any suggestions for
a more reliable replacement?