tail error in CDS log



I am trying to use RFexample and trying to do hspiceD simulator use
but all virtuoso application windows hang at this point of time. Below
is the log.

\# Program start time UTC 2010.04.29 20:31:37.942
\# Local time Thursday 29 April 2010, 3:31 pm
\o Program: @(#)$CDS: virtuoso version 6.1.4 03/26/2010
05:31 (sfsol40) $
\o Hierarchy: /export/apps_raid5/cadence/ic614/tools.sun4v/
\o Sub version: sub-version IC6.1.4.500.2 (32-bit addresses)
\# Host name (type): myserver (sun4u)
\# Operating system: SunOS 5.10 Generic_141444-09
\# Sun architecture: sparc
\# Sun hw platform: SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440
\# X display name (WxH): localhost:70.0 (1280x1024)
\# Available geometry: TL(0:0) BR(1279:973)
\# X server: The X.Org Foundation
\# Depth of Visual (Root): 24 (24)
\# Number of Planes Used: 24
\# X version: 11.0 (vendor release 10605000)
\# X resource pool: base 0x3800000, mask 0x1fffff (2097151), shift
\# current id 0x3a, current max 0x1ffffa
\# Memory report: maximum data size 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
\# Memory report: maximum process size 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
\# Initial sbrk value: 212607104 (0xcac2080) bytes
\# Maximum memory size: 4090445567 (0xf3cf3eff) bytes
\# Initial memory used: 8085376 (0x7b5f80) bytes
\# Qt version: 4.4.1
\# Window Manager: gnome (metacity)
\# User Name: username
\o Working Directory: myserver:/home/username/backup_new/
\# Process Id: 6979
\o ďż˝ 1992-2009 UNIX SYSTEMS Laboratories INC.,
\o Reproduced with permission.
\o This Cadence Design Systems program and online documentation are
\o proprietary/confidential information and may be disclosed/used only
\o as authorized in a license agreement controlling such use and
\o Use/reproduction/disclosure is subject to restriction
\o set forth at FAR 1252.227-19 or its equivalent.
\w *WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable
\w in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
\w *WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable
\w in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
\w *WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable
\w in tool[.partition] 'layout'
\# Memory report: now 20668288 (0x13b5f80) bytes, UTC 2010.04.29
\w *WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable
\w in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
\o Loading geView.cxt
\o Loading menuBuilder.cxt
\o Loading schView.cxt
\o Loading selectSv.cxt
\o Loading LVS.cxt
\o Loading layerProc.cxt
\o Loading xlUI.cxt
\o Loading auCore.cxt
\o Loading vhdl.cxt
\o Loading seismic.cxt
\o Loading ci.cxt
\o Loading ams.cxt
\o Virtuoso Framework License (111) was checked out successfully.
Total checkout time was 2.26s.
\# Memory report: now 41639808 (0x27b5f80) bytes, UTC 2010.04.29
\i ddsWhatsNew()
\p >
\o Loading rte.cxt
\a ddsNewsClose()
\r t
\a ddsOpenLibManager()
\r t
\i ddsServOpen("rfExamples" "PRcontours" "schematic" "edit" nil)
\w *WARNING* (icLic-3) Could not get license
\w *WARNING* (icLic-21) License Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_L ("95100")
is not available to run Schematics-L.
\w Trying to check out the license Virtuoso_Schematic_Editor_XL
("95115") instead.
\p >
\a hiDBoxOK(_schDBox)
\r t
\o Loading adexl.cxt
\o Loading oasis.cxt
\o Loading asimenv.cxt
\o Loading analog.cxt
\o Loading par.cxt
\o Loading socket.cxt
\o Loading alvs.cxt
\o Loading schematic.cxt
\o Loading lo.cxt
\o *WARNING* (LO-2140): Obsolete environment variable "layoutMigrate"
"techfile" loaded.
\o This variable will be ignored.
\o Use environment variable "layoutOptimize" "techfile"
\o Loading le.cxt
\o Loading leToolbox.cxt
\o Loading hsm.cxt
\o Loading lx.cxt
\o Loading lce.cxt
\a deInstallApp(getCurrentWindow() "analogArtist-Schematic")
\o Loading simui.cxt
\o Loading cdf.cxt
\o Loading awv.cxt
\# Memory report: now 83582848 (0x4fb5f80) bytes, UTC 2010.04.29
\w *WARNING* (icLic-3) Could not get license
\w *WARNING* (icLic-21) License Analog_Design_Environment_L ("95200")
is not available to run ADE-L.
\w Trying to check out the license Analog_Design_Environment_XL
("95210") instead.
\o Loading spectrei.cxt
\o Loading relXpert.cxt
\r t
\a sevNetlistAndRun('sevSession1)
\o ERROR (ADE-3023): Unable to locate spectre executable in the
specified path. Ensure that
\o the executable is present in the path or to set the correct
path, use
\o the setShellEnvVar() in Command Interpreter Window (CIW).
\r nil
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(187:217 879:692))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(187:218 879:693))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(187:219 879:694))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(188:223 880:698))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(189:228 881:703))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(190:234 882:709))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:344 885:819))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:345 885:820))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:345 885:820))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(193:345 885:820))
\r t
\a sevChooseSimulator('sevSession1)
\p >
\a hiiSetCurrentForm('sevSimulatorForm1)
\r t
\a sevSimulatorForm1->simulator->value="hspiceD"
\r "hspiceD"
\a hiFormDone(sevSimulatorForm1)
\o usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
\o tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]
\o usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
\o tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]
\o usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
\o tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]
\o usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
\o tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]
\o usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
\o tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]
\o usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
\o tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]
\o usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
\o tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]

Any idea what is this? This did not happen for my old version of IC61
upen <upendra.gandhi@gmail.com> writes:

\o ERROR (ADE-3023): Unable to locate spectre executable in the
specified path. Ensure that
\o the executable is present in the path or to set the correct
path, use
\o the setShellEnvVar() in Command Interpreter Window (CIW).

Any idea what is this? This did not happen for my old version of IC61
Try first to solve the error I've isolated. I guess what follows is due to


upen wrote, on 04/30/10 16:26:
Thanks Jean-Marc.

I added spectre binary path in my PATH, so ADE-3023 is taken care of.

Now I have

ERROR (ADE-3036): Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator
run log has not been generated.
\o Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for
the version of the simulator
\o you are running. Choose Setup->Environment and verify that
the command line options
\o specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for
the simulator.
\o Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the
runSimulation file in the netlist
\o directory to know the exact cause of the error.
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(243:283 935:758))
\r t
\a sevOpenPlotWindow('sevSession1)
\o usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
\o tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]

I will try to solve them one by one. I know mmsim version is 62 and
very old.

Thanks and good day.
That's almost certainly a patch problem (it's come up frequently before on this

Go into the netlist directory, and invoke the "runSimulation" script, and see if
you get some errors. Most likely the simulator didn't start due to some missing
shared libraries.

As for the tail problem, I think that looks like CCR 771932 which was filed very
recently, and I think may be as a result of a modification that was made in (which you're using). You should contact Cadence customer support,


On Apr 30, 1:51 am, Jean-Marc Bourguet <j...@bourguet.org> wrote:
upen <upendra.gan...@gmail.com> writes:
\o ERROR (ADE-3023): Unable to locate spectre executable in the
specified path. Ensure that
\o         the executable is present in the path or to set the correct
path, use
\o         the setShellEnvVar() in Command Interpreter Window (CIW).

Any idea what is this? This did not happen for my old version of IC61

Try first to solve the error I've isolated.  I guess what follows is due to


Thanks Jean-Marc.

I added spectre binary path in my PATH, so ADE-3023 is taken care of.

Now I have

ERROR (ADE-3036): Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator
run log has not been generated.
\o Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for
the version of the simulator
\o you are running. Choose Setup->Environment and verify that
the command line options
\o specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for
the simulator.
\o Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the
runSimulation file in the netlist
\o directory to know the exact cause of the error.
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(243:283 935:758))
\r t
\a sevOpenPlotWindow('sevSession1)
\o usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
\o tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]

I will try to solve them one by one. I know mmsim version is 62 and
very old.

Thanks and good day.
On Apr 30, 11:45 am, Andrew Beckett <andr...@DcEaLdEeTnEcTe.HcIoSm>
upen wrote, on 04/30/10 16:26:

Thanks Jean-Marc.

I added spectre binary path in my PATH, so ADE-3023 is taken care of.

Now I have

ERROR (ADE-3036): Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator
run log has not been generated.
\o         Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for
the version of the simulator
\o         you are running. Choose Setup->Environment and verify that
the command line options
\o         specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for
the simulator.
\o         Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the
runSimulation file in the netlist
\o         directory to know the exact cause of the error.
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(swindow(2) list(243:283 935:758))
\r t
\a sevOpenPlotWindow('sevSession1)
\o usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
\o        tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]

I will try to solve them one by one. I know mmsim version is 62 and
very old.

Thanks and good day.

That's almost certainly a patch problem (it's come up frequently before on this

Go into the netlist directory, and invoke the "runSimulation" script, and see if
you get some errors. Most likely the simulator didn't start due to some missing
shared libraries.

As for the tail problem, I think that looks like CCR 771932 which was filed very
recently, and I think may be as a result of a modification that was made in (which you're using). You should contact Cadence customer support,


Okay Thanks.I will try manual commands.

After editing PATH variable netlist/run worked fine. Then, when I
click on Waveform, I got those messages in my second post.

Thanks about CCR number. I have already sent Cadence engineer my
question but we already got another SR going on so posted the question
here. Many times I see quicker reponses (<24hours) here for simple
questions. ;)

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