Altera User
I've tried using the "interface" construct in a Quartus-II project, but I
can't tell if it's working the way it is supposed to.
I tried declaring an interface like the following:
interface interface_cpu_vgachar_vga(
input logic [15:0] cpu_addr,
input logic cpu_write,
input logic cpu_read,
input logic [15:0] cpu_wdata,
output logic [15:0] cpu_rdata
endinterface // : interface_cpu_vgachar_vga
interface interface_cpu_vgachar_cpu(
output logic [15:0] cpu_addr,
output logic cpu_write,
output logic cpu_read,
output logic [15:0] cpu_wdata,
input logic [15:0] cpu_rdata
endinterface // : interface_cpu_vgachar_cpu
When I use either interface as a top-level port, Altera's pin-assignment
menu lists them as 'bidir'.
And the synthesis-logfile shows a bunch of warnings like this:
Warning: Inserted an always-enabled tri-state buffer between logic and the
tri-state bus if_cpu.cpu_rdata[0]~15 that it feeds
Warning: The bidir "if_cpu.cpu_wdata[0]" has no source; inserted an always
disabled tri-state buffer.
What am I doing wrong?
can't tell if it's working the way it is supposed to.
I tried declaring an interface like the following:
interface interface_cpu_vgachar_vga(
input logic [15:0] cpu_addr,
input logic cpu_write,
input logic cpu_read,
input logic [15:0] cpu_wdata,
output logic [15:0] cpu_rdata
endinterface // : interface_cpu_vgachar_vga
interface interface_cpu_vgachar_cpu(
output logic [15:0] cpu_addr,
output logic cpu_write,
output logic cpu_read,
output logic [15:0] cpu_wdata,
input logic [15:0] cpu_rdata
endinterface // : interface_cpu_vgachar_cpu
When I use either interface as a top-level port, Altera's pin-assignment
menu lists them as 'bidir'.
And the synthesis-logfile shows a bunch of warnings like this:
Warning: Inserted an always-enabled tri-state buffer between logic and the
tri-state bus if_cpu.cpu_rdata[0]~15 that it feeds
Warning: The bidir "if_cpu.cpu_wdata[0]" has no source; inserted an always
disabled tri-state buffer.
What am I doing wrong?