Edmond Coté
What's the status of the following type of interface construct? A
google search revealed that it was discussed in 2004 on the SV-BC list
(http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/1865.html), however, that's the only place
on the web where I've seen any mention.
interface test_if #(parameter int N = 2);
wire [N-1:0] test;
genvar i;
generate for (i=0; i<N; i++)
modport slave(input test);
I am using Mentor Precision RTL and I would like to hear if anyone has
any synthesizable alternatives, short of coding everything out manually
of course.
Thank you,
Edmond Coté
What's the status of the following type of interface construct? A
google search revealed that it was discussed in 2004 on the SV-BC list
(http://www.eda.org/sv-bc/hm/1865.html), however, that's the only place
on the web where I've seen any mention.
interface test_if #(parameter int N = 2);
wire [N-1:0] test;
genvar i;
generate for (i=0; i<N; i++)
modport slave(input test);
I am using Mentor Precision RTL and I would like to hear if anyone has
any synthesizable alternatives, short of coding everything out manually
of course.
Thank you,
Edmond Coté