On Mar 3, 3:33 pm, sh...@cadence.com wrote:
found it right there in the LRM, p. 35.
- Mark
Ah! That's just what I needed. Thanks. Of course now knowing that IOn Mar 3, 1:46 pm, mrfirmware <mrfirmw...@gmail.com> wrote:
I must be missing something but I've yet to find it in the SV LRM. How
does one "fragment" copy a large buffer (array)?
frag_buf = big_buf[offset:MPS_STEP-1];
I believe that you can do this, but the syntax needs to match the
"indexed part-select" syntax from Verilog-2001. Rather than a ":",
you need to use "+:", and rather than using the amount to be added to
the offset, you need to use the width. So this would be
frag_buf = big_buf[offset +: MPS_STEP];
Whether your tools will support this is another matter.
found it right there in the LRM, p. 35.
- Mark