We are considering switching from VHDL to SystemVerilog for our future design work (we already use SystemVerilog UVM for verification)
I cannot find any RTL coding guidelines for SV *RTL*, only for Verilog. Some of the new SV features: Interfaces, always_ff, always_comb, data types etc look interesting, but I don't know about tool support for these useful feature
- Are you aware of any recommendations for SV *RTL* development?
- Which features should we avoid.
- Are any of you actually using SV for design? If so, can you pass on any recommendations
- Are you aware of any tool support issues: Particular features or vendors?
We are considering switching from VHDL to SystemVerilog for our future design work (we already use SystemVerilog UVM for verification)
I cannot find any RTL coding guidelines for SV *RTL*, only for Verilog. Some of the new SV features: Interfaces, always_ff, always_comb, data types etc look interesting, but I don't know about tool support for these useful feature
- Are you aware of any recommendations for SV *RTL* development?
- Which features should we avoid.
- Are any of you actually using SV for design? If so, can you pass on any recommendations
- Are you aware of any tool support issues: Particular features or vendors?