Synthesizing for gates only


Charles Bailey

Is there a newsgroup for Synopsis DesignCompiler?

Since I haven't found one yet, I'll try asking this question here:

How can I tell DesignCompiler to optimize to gates only, and not use any
DesignWare components?
I have synthetic_library set to {} (null), but is still loads
standard.sldb anyway. How can I tell it not to use standard.sldb?

Charles Bailey
"Charles Bailey" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Is there a newsgroup for Synopsis DesignCompiler?

Since I haven't found one yet, I'll try asking this question here:

How can I tell DesignCompiler to optimize to gates only, and not use any
DesignWare components?
I have synthetic_library set to {} (null), but is still loads
standard.sldb anyway. How can I tell it not to use standard.sldb?

Charles Bailey
I believe, that the usage of DesignWare components provides better
synthesis results. After synthesis, you can still get "gates-only"
netlist, flattening all designWare components. There is a script on
Synopsys Solvnet for this purpose (look for : "Script to Flatten
DesignWare Hierarchy").

Alexander Gnusin
Charles Bailey wrote:
Is there a newsgroup for Synopsis DesignCompiler?

Since I haven't found one yet, I'll try asking this question here:

How can I tell DesignCompiler to optimize to gates only, and not use any
DesignWare components?
I have synthetic_library set to {} (null), but is still loads
standard.sldb anyway. How can I tell it not to use standard.sldb?

Charles Bailey

subscribe to

you will find how to subscribe on their website as well. They are pretty
good at answering questions.

good luck
"Jason Zheng" <> wrote in message
Charles Bailey wrote:
Is there a newsgroup for Synopsis DesignCompiler?

subscribe to

If only DesignCompiler were a Synplicity product....
On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 20:41:39 GMT, "John_H" <>
"Jason Zheng" <> wrote in message
Charles Bailey wrote:
Is there a newsgroup for Synopsis DesignCompiler?


subscribe to


If only DesignCompiler were a Synplicity product....
The way things are going it's very possible that synplify may become a
Synopsys product soon.
mk<> writes:

The way things are going it's very possible that synplify may become
a Synopsys product soon.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
On 02 Dec 2004 09:17:57 +0100, wrote:
The way things are going it's very possible that synplify may become
a Synopsys product soon.

nasda today, synplicity tomorrow; who knows ?

Welcome to

