I have some experience with VHDL, but only once have commited a design
to programmable logic ( a Xilinx CPLD). It worked perfectly. However,
I'm hearing the phrase "synthesizable VHDL" being used a lot. This
implies to me that some VHDL code cannot be commited to hardware i.e.
is not synthesizable. Is this true? What exactly does 'synthesizable'
refer to? Could someone clarify this for me?
Thanks a lot for any replies
I have some experience with VHDL, but only once have commited a design
to programmable logic ( a Xilinx CPLD). It worked perfectly. However,
I'm hearing the phrase "synthesizable VHDL" being used a lot. This
implies to me that some VHDL code cannot be commited to hardware i.e.
is not synthesizable. Is this true? What exactly does 'synthesizable'
refer to? Could someone clarify this for me?
Thanks a lot for any replies