I prefer to separate out my sequential and combinational code. At the
beginning of the module, I usually have a single always block in which
the combinational values are assigned to the sequential values at the
clock edge. For example:
always @(negedge sys_clk)
byte_counter <= #1 byte_counter_comb;
IP_protocol_n <= #1 IP_protocol_n_comb;
IP_src_addr_n <= #1 IP_src_addr_n_comb;
IP_dest_addr_n <= #1 IP_dest_addr_n_comb;
IP_protocol <= #1 IP_protocol_comb;
IP_src_addr <= #1 IP_src_addr_comb;
IP_dest_addr <= #1 IP_dest_addr_comb;
However, when I am trying to synthesize my code using Synplicity, I am
getting the following error for each bit of the above assigned signals:
"pkt_incom.v":134:3:134:8|Removing sequential instance
pkt_incom_top.IP_dest_addr[31] of viewrimLib.dff(prim) because there
are no references to its outputs
The above code is in the file named pkt_incom.v, and this module is
instantiated in a top level module named as pkt_incom_top.v .
Mind you, the above assignments in pkt_incom.v (which are also the
outputs of this module) are being used in other peer modules. That is
why I am not able to understand the warning.
I prefer to separate out my sequential and combinational code. At the
beginning of the module, I usually have a single always block in which
the combinational values are assigned to the sequential values at the
clock edge. For example:
always @(negedge sys_clk)
byte_counter <= #1 byte_counter_comb;
IP_protocol_n <= #1 IP_protocol_n_comb;
IP_src_addr_n <= #1 IP_src_addr_n_comb;
IP_dest_addr_n <= #1 IP_dest_addr_n_comb;
IP_protocol <= #1 IP_protocol_comb;
IP_src_addr <= #1 IP_src_addr_comb;
IP_dest_addr <= #1 IP_dest_addr_comb;
However, when I am trying to synthesize my code using Synplicity, I am
getting the following error for each bit of the above assigned signals:
"pkt_incom.v":134:3:134:8|Removing sequential instance
pkt_incom_top.IP_dest_addr[31] of viewrimLib.dff(prim) because there
are no references to its outputs
The above code is in the file named pkt_incom.v, and this module is
instantiated in a top level module named as pkt_incom_top.v .
Mind you, the above assignments in pkt_incom.v (which are also the
outputs of this module) are being used in other peer modules. That is
why I am not able to understand the warning.