Andreas Ehliar
On 2008-02-16, fcdup8k@yahoo.com <fcdup8k@yahoo.com> wrote:
are you using?
Btw, regarding the security concerns, a 227 MB zipped ISO is a bit too much
for anyone to thoroughly audit by just browsing the CD volume. But I guess
you are not very unsafe if you run it on a computer not connected to the
network with the harddisks disconnected. Or in a virtual machine for that
Could you elaborate a bit on what the CD contains? What kind of benchmarkThis is a benchmark test cd, to get performance data for a specific
computer setup. Please contribute by posting a followup with the
results from the 'real' column.
It's a complete 227 MB zipped .iso file that needs to be written to a
cd and booted. Login as toor, type bench.sh, type the data in a
followup to this posting.
A complete collection of testdata can be found in the '/tmp/
sHHMMSS.tbz' file. And it can be copied by running 'mnt_usb.pl && cp -
p /tmp/s??????.tbz /mountpount/usb0 && umount /mountpoint/usb0' or you
can simple type down the numbers for 'real' and type them here.
If you have any security concerns, please feel free to browse the cd
are you using?
Btw, regarding the security concerns, a 227 MB zipped ISO is a bit too much
for anyone to thoroughly audit by just browsing the CD volume. But I guess
you are not very unsafe if you run it on a computer not connected to the
network with the harddisks disconnected. Or in a virtual machine for that