Synthesis-Place-Route benchmark for i386-32bit

On 2008-02-16, <> wrote:
This is a benchmark test cd, to get performance data for a specific
computer setup. Please contribute by posting a followup with the
results from the 'real' column.

It's a complete 227 MB zipped .iso file that needs to be written to a
cd and booted. Login as toor, type, type the data in a
followup to this posting.
A complete collection of testdata can be found in the '/tmp/
sHHMMSS.tbz' file. And it can be copied by running ' && cp -
p /tmp/s??????.tbz /mountpount/usb0 && umount /mountpoint/usb0' or you
can simple type down the numbers for 'real' and type them here.
If you have any security concerns, please feel free to browse the cd
Could you elaborate a bit on what the CD contains? What kind of benchmark
are you using?

Btw, regarding the security concerns, a 227 MB zipped ISO is a bit too much
for anyone to thoroughly audit by just browsing the CD volume. But I guess
you are not very unsafe if you run it on a computer not connected to the
network with the harddisks disconnected. Or in a virtual machine for that


This is a benchmark test cd, to get performance data for a specific
computer setup. Please contribute by posting a followup with the
results from the 'real' column.

It's a complete 227 MB zipped .iso file that needs to be written to a
cd and booted. Login as toor, type, type the data in a
followup to this posting.
A complete collection of testdata can be found in the '/tmp/
sHHMMSS.tbz' file. And it can be copied by running ' && cp -
p /tmp/s??????.tbz /mountpount/usb0 && umount /mountpoint/usb0' or you
can simple type down the numbers for 'real' and type them here.
If you have any security concerns, please feel free to browse the cd

Link to the bootcd:

I hope this will shed some better light as to which computer
configurations that will perform better or worse for fpga synhtesis-
place-route process.
A Pentium-III 800 MHz takes approx 25m on the fpga test. Intel core2
~300s, AMD64 ~500s (free from memory). Please use exact numbers.

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