Synthesis in VHDL vs. Verilog


Chris Carlen


I am reading J Bhasker's "Verilog HDL Synthesis" along with "A Verilog
Primer" in order to learn not only Verilog, but how to make sure I can
model designs in a way that is synthesizable.

What I have just learned is that the synthesis system (such as if I am
using Xilinx ISE Webpack and it's associated synthesis tools) dictates
what style must be followed, because one system might be able to
synthesize model 'A' and not 'B', whereas another system might be able
to synthesize 'B' and not 'A', even though models 'A' and 'B' are
functionally equivalent.

Thus, this leads to the question of how to I learn about what modeling
style will be synthesizable for my particular tools?

The text won't be able to teach me this, since it is just dealing with
the problem in general. Obviously this must be in the tooll
documentation, so I would ask:

Is there good modeling style info in Xilinx tools so that one can learn
how to make synthesizable models for Xilinx tools reliably?

Finally, how to VHDL and Verilog compare in terms of *inherent*
synthesizability of models, or does the same problem essentially exist
for both?

Thanks for input.

Good day!
Christopher R. Carlen
Principal Laser/Optical Technologist
Sandia National Laboratories CA USA
Chris Carlen <> wrote:
: Is there good modeling style info in Xilinx tools so that one can learn
: how to make synthesizable models for Xilinx tools reliably?

Look on the XILINX site fir xst.pdf amd lib.pdf


Uwe Bonnes

Institut fuer Kernphysik Schlossgartenstrasse 9 64289 Darmstadt
--------- Tel. 06151 162516 -------- Fax. 06151 164321 ----------
Chris Carlen <> wrote:
: Is there good modeling style info in Xilinx tools so that one can learn
: how to make synthesizable models for Xilinx tools reliably?

Look on the XILINX site for xst.pdf amd lib.pdf


Uwe Bonnes

Institut fuer Kernphysik Schlossgartenstrasse 9 64289 Darmstadt
--------- Tel. 06151 162516 -------- Fax. 06151 164321 ----------
Both VHDL and Verilog were originally developed as simulation languages
with synthesis coming along later. Both languages have stuff that is
synthesizable and stuff that is not.

My experience using several VHDL synth tools is that 98% of the stuff
that is synthesizable under one tool will also be synthesizable under
another one. Of a much greater variability is how well each tool maps
the models to the underlying fabric.

IMHO a good generic book about writing synthesizable code will prepare
you for whatever tool you want to use. Also Xilinx has a guide to
writing code for synthesis somewhere on their web site that will tell
you pretty much the same thing. The xilinx docs should also tell you
what special FPGA constructs like shifters and memory can be inferred
from your generic code without having to explicitly instantiate them,
which is good to know.

On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 10:21:46 -0800, Chris Carlen wrote:


I am reading J Bhasker's "Verilog HDL Synthesis" along with "A Verilog
Primer" in order to learn not only Verilog, but how to make sure I can
model designs in a way that is synthesizable.

What I have just learned is that the synthesis system (such as if I am
using Xilinx ISE Webpack and it's associated synthesis tools) dictates
what style must be followed, because one system might be able to
synthesize model 'A' and not 'B', whereas another system might be able
to synthesize 'B' and not 'A', even though models 'A' and 'B' are
functionally equivalent.

Thus, this leads to the question of how to I learn about what modeling
style will be synthesizable for my particular tools?

The text won't be able to teach me this, since it is just dealing with
the problem in general. Obviously this must be in the tooll
documentation, so I would ask:

Is there good modeling style info in Xilinx tools so that one can learn
how to make synthesizable models for Xilinx tools reliably?

Finally, how to VHDL and Verilog compare in terms of *inherent*
synthesizability of models, or does the same problem essentially exist
for both?

Thanks for input.

Good day!
I've never run into anything that synthesized with Synplify and not with
Precision or vice-versa. Synthesis directives are not standardized so they
aren't generally portable although Precision secretly supports a small
subset of Synplify directives. XST is a different story, there are lot's
of things that didn't work the last time I tried it (I haven't
tried the latest rev so it may have improved).

Synplify has a good user's guide. If you follow it's rules you won't have
any problems with any decent synthesis tool.
"B. Joshua Rosen" <> wrote:
On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 10:21:46 -0800, Chris Carlen wrote:

Thus, this leads to the question of how to I learn about what modeling
style will be synthesizable for my particular tools?

The text won't be able to teach me this, since it is just dealing with
the problem in general. Obviously this must be in the tooll
documentation, so I would ask:

Is there good modeling style info in Xilinx tools so that one can learn
how to make synthesizable models for Xilinx tools reliably?

Finally, how to VHDL and Verilog compare in terms of *inherent*
synthesizability of models, or does the same problem essentially exist
for both?

I've never run into anything that synthesized with Synplify and not with
Precision or vice-versa. Synthesis directives are not standardized so they
aren't generally portable although Precision secretly supports a small
subset of Synplify directives. XST is a different story, there are lot's
of things that didn't work the last time I tried it (I haven't
tried the latest rev so it may have improved).

Synplify has a good user's guide. If you follow it's rules you won't have
any problems with any decent synthesis tool.
I can't speak for Verilog, but in VHDL I've seen allready problems to
migrate from Synopsys to Synplicity and vice versa. Further there are
constructs that may synthesise, but fail in our tool for formal

I would say, that's the difference between someone just learning the
HDL and an experienced HW-Designer. A good book about synthesis will
help. Experience or an experienced tutor will might be the other
As I bet there's somenone likely starting to bash on VHDL and telling
me that will never happen with Verilog, I would bet anything, the same
problem will rise when using Systemverilog (which is intended to
replace Verilog in the next years).

bye Thomas Stanka
Chris Carlen wrote:

Is there good modeling style info in Xilinx tools so that one can learn
how to make synthesizable models for Xilinx tools reliably?
Use a synchronous template for all processes
to minimize synthesis problems.

Finally, how to VHDL and Verilog compare in terms of *inherent*
synthesizability of models, or does the same problem essentially exist
for both?
They are the same for register level design descriptions.
VHDL allows synthesis using more complex data structures
and algorithms.

-- Mike Treseler
On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 00:15:23 -0800, Thomas Stanka wrote:

"B. Joshua Rosen" <> wrote:
On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 10:21:46 -0800, Chris Carlen wrote:

I would say, that's the difference between someone just learning the
HDL and an experienced HW-Designer. A good book about synthesis will
help. Experience or an experienced tutor will might be the other
As I bet there's somenone likely starting to bash on VHDL and telling
me that will never happen with Verilog, I would bet anything, the same
problem will rise when using Systemverilog (which is intended to
replace Verilog in the next years).

bye Thomas Stanka
Verilog is a very simple language so it's easier for the tools guys to get
it right. Personnally I stick strictly to Verilog 95, I'm not even
considering using any Verilog 2001 constructs in synthesizable code for
another year. As for things like System C, that's targeted at testbenches
at the moment, I do think that there are any synthesis tools that can
handle it.
Both VHDL and Verilog have a synthesis subset.
Some aspects of the synthesis subset are intuitive,
you can't synthesize access types.

Both have a separate standard that govern the
synthesis subset. For VHDL this is 1076.6, for
Verilog it is 1364.1. If you want to see vendors
support portable coding styles, ask them to support
these standards. You do need to ask because for
EDA vendors supporting a standard is an investment.
They expect to get something in return - like users
buying their tools.

The VHDL synthesis standard is quite a bit broader
than the Verilog standard, particularly with respect
to registers. For example, VHDL supports dual
edged registers (separate clocks or rising and
falling edges). Some of this is representative of VHDL
being more popular for FPGA design (and FPGA's supporting
devices like this).

See also my follow up to the guy who stated:
"Verilog is a very simple language so it's easier for
the tools guys to get it right."

If you are making a saftey critical design, you
would be better off using VHDL. There are lots of
ways to hang yourself with Verilog (and none of them
give you anything useful at the end of the day).

To sum this up in another way,
"On a bad day coding VHDL, the compiler is going to
abuse you (hence this explains why some hate VHDL),
however, on a bad day coding Verilog, you can embed
bugs that make it essential that you have a great
testbench to find."

Jim Lewis
Jim Lewis
Director of Training
SynthWorks Design Inc.

Expert VHDL Training for Hardware Design and Verification

Chris Carlen wrote:

I am reading J Bhasker's "Verilog HDL Synthesis" along with "A Verilog
Primer" in order to learn not only Verilog, but how to make sure I can
model designs in a way that is synthesizable.

What I have just learned is that the synthesis system (such as if I am
using Xilinx ISE Webpack and it's associated synthesis tools) dictates
what style must be followed, because one system might be able to
synthesize model 'A' and not 'B', whereas another system might be able
to synthesize 'B' and not 'A', even though models 'A' and 'B' are
functionally equivalent.

Thus, this leads to the question of how to I learn about what modeling
style will be synthesizable for my particular tools?

The text won't be able to teach me this, since it is just dealing with
the problem in general. Obviously this must be in the tooll
documentation, so I would ask:

Is there good modeling style info in Xilinx tools so that one can learn
how to make synthesizable models for Xilinx tools reliably?

Finally, how to VHDL and Verilog compare in terms of *inherent*
synthesizability of models, or does the same problem essentially exist
for both?

Thanks for input.

Good day!
Verilog is a very simple language so it's easier for
the tools guys to get it right.
This is an incorrect assumption.

Verilog is a less consise language. If you don't follow
some adhoc methodology for coding styles, you will not
get it right. This fact has been proven time and time
again by Verilog experts who have given numerous
conference papers how they overcame yet another Verilog
issue. And by the way, according to my sources (Cliff C.)
this is not a feature that is being fixed in SystemVerilog.

VHDL is a very consise language. Code written and
simulated in one simulator will behave exactly the
same in another simulator.

So going back to simple. Verilog is simple to start
producing code, however, if you fail to follow the
adhoc rules of Verilog coding, it is very easy to
get it wrong. Note, this happens to Verilog experts.
If you want to get it right with Verilog, you would
be best to invest in a Lint tool.

In VHDL many lint tool features are built into the
language. As a result, you need to learn these rules
from either a good book or from a good class.
If you fail to learn these rules, getting started
will be painful to get by the compiler. However,
once you produce working code the likely hood of it
being correct is much higher.

For example, at DVCon last year, a company who codes
their IP in Verilog and translates to VHDL has imposed
the strong typing rules of VHDL onto their Verilog
designers (via a lint tool). 75% of the time a lint
violation resulted in a real bug. It is certainly
better to find these issues at compile/lint time
rather than spending time simulating an incorrect

Personnally I stick strictly to Verilog 95, I'm not even
considering using any Verilog 2001 constructs in synthesizable code for
another year. As for things like System C, that's targeted at testbenches
at the moment, I do think that there are any synthesis tools that can
handle it.
Jim Lewis
Director of Training
SynthWorks Design Inc.

Expert VHDL Training for Hardware Design and Verification
VHDL is a very consise language. Code written and
simulated in one simulator will behave exactly the
same in another simulator.
Jim -

Concise means succinct, i.e., the opposite of verbose. I've never heard
anyone make that claim about VHDL. Maybe you meant precise?

Do you have a link to that DVCon paper? I'd like to read it. If not, can
you briefly summarize some of the rules this company imposed?


On Sun, 11 Jan 2004 15:35:14 -0800, Jim Lewis <>

Verilog is a less consise language. If you don't follow
some adhoc methodology for coding styles, you will not
get it right. This fact has been proven time and time
again by Verilog experts who have given numerous
conference papers how they overcame yet another Verilog
issue. And by the way, according to my sources (Cliff C.)
this is not a feature that is being fixed in SystemVerilog.
I'm hardly an expert in Verilog, yet I have no problems writing code
that's easily and correctly synthesized.

There are perfectly good reasons for coding in VHDL, perhaps the most
compelling of which to me is the ability to more easily include
placement information, e.g., RLOCs (I'm going by what people I
respect tell me, not personal experience). But writing synthesizeable
Verilog is not an issue.

I think that Janick Bergeron, the verification guru, came up with the
best answer to the which-is-better question. When asked which of the
two languages he prefers, he said it's whichever one he isn't
currently using.

Bob Perlman
Cambrian Design Works
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 04:25:26 GMT, Bob Perlman
<> wrote:

I'm hardly an expert in Verilog, yet I have no problems writing code
that's easily and correctly synthesized.

There are perfectly good reasons for coding in VHDL, perhaps the most
compelling of which to me is the ability to more easily include
placement information, e.g., RLOCs (I'm going by what people I
respect tell me, not personal experience). But writing synthesizeable
Verilog is not an issue.
Verilog 2001 supports attributes. However, even in this latest
version of the language, it still isn't possible to have an attribute
whose value is a string that is a function of e.g. a genvar.

Details here:

[Sarcasm] Clearly the language committee understands the needs of

I think that Janick Bergeron, the verification guru, came up with the
best answer to the which-is-better question. When asked which of the
two languages he prefers, he said it's whichever one he isn't
currently using.
I dislike both VHDL and Verilog. Neither do what I want, although
Verilog is much further away from the level of abstraction at which I
wish to work.
VHDL with some degree of OO would be nice. I await the results of the
VHDL 200x committees.

So going back to simple. Verilog is simple to start
producing code, however, if you fail to follow the
adhoc rules of Verilog coding, it is very easy to
get it wrong. Note, this happens to Verilog experts.
If you want to get it right with Verilog, you would
be best to invest in a Lint tool.
Do such tools exist? Any of them free/cheap?

The mail server is located in California. So are all my
other mailboxes. Please do not send unsolicited bulk e-mail or unsolicited
commercial e-mail to my address or any of my other addresses.
These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.
Bob Perlman wrote:
On Sun, 11 Jan 2004 15:35:14 -0800, Jim Lewis <

Verilog is a less consise language. If you don't follow
some adhoc methodology for coding styles, you will not
get it right. This fact has been proven time and time
again by Verilog experts who have given numerous
conference papers how they overcame yet another Verilog
issue. And by the way, according to my sources (Cliff C.)
this is not a feature that is being fixed in SystemVerilog.

I'm hardly an expert in Verilog, yet I have no problems writing code
that's easily and correctly synthesized.

There are perfectly good reasons for coding in VHDL, perhaps the most
compelling of which to me is the ability to more easily include
placement information, e.g., RLOCs (I'm going by what people I
respect tell me, not personal experience). But writing synthesizeable
Verilog is not an issue.

I think that Janick Bergeron, the verification guru, came up with the
best answer to the which-is-better question. When asked which of the
two languages he prefers, he said it's whichever one he isn't
currently using.

Bob Perlman
Cambrian Design Works

Thanks Bob and everyone else who responded to my inquiry.

I'm not going to get into another round of second guessing about my
choice to use Verilog. Since I will be using it sporadically for things
that are only a little too complicated to do with a schematic easily, I
could even design at the gate instantiation level if I wanted to.

I doubt I will have too much trouble, and I intend to learn as much as I
can about synthesizability in the process of learning the language.

Good day!

Christopher R. Carlen
Principal Laser/Optical Technologist
Sandia National Laboratories CA USA
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 16:06:54 +1100, Allan Herriman
<> wrote:

Verilog 2001 supports attributes. However, even in this latest
version of the language, it still isn't possible to have an attribute
whose value is a string that is a function of e.g. a genvar.

Details here:

[Sarcasm] Clearly the language committee understands the needs of
That's a very interesting thread; I missed it the first time around.
Thanks for pointing it out.

Bob Perlman
Cambrian Design Works
Jim Lewis <> writes:

their IP in Verilog and translates to VHDL has imposed
the strong typing rules of VHDL onto their Verilog
But, there is only one type -- "wire"...

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

The paper is paper 6.1:
Dhanendra Jani, Tensilica Inc., Santa Clara, CA
Alain Raynaud, Tensilica Inc., Santa Clara, CA

The quoted number came from the presentation and I could
not find it in the paper. The paper is copyrighted, so
I can't send you a copy. You may be able to find the paper
on Tensilica's website. If you went to DVCon or have access
to a disk, it is paper 6.1.

Maybe you meant precise?

My brain just blew a fuse when with the ironic statement:
"Verilog is a very simple language so it's easier for
the tools guys to get it right."

Historically the problem with Verilog was that it
executes differently on different platforms unless
you follow some adhoc coding rules. How quick we

VHDL never had race conditions and never will.


Robert Sefton wrote:

VHDL is a very consise language. Code written and
simulated in one simulator will behave exactly the
same in another simulator.

Jim -

Concise means succinct, i.e., the opposite of verbose. I've never heard
anyone make that claim about VHDL. Maybe you meant precise?

Do you have a link to that DVCon paper? I'd like to read it. If not, can
you briefly summarize some of the rules this company imposed?


Jim Lewis
Director of Training
SynthWorks Design Inc.

Expert VHDL Training for Hardware Design and Verification
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 15:05:11 -0800, Jim Lewis <>

VHDL never had race conditions and never will.
It's actually quite easy to make races in VHDL. Experience indicates
that even simple examples may produce different results on different
LRM compliant simulators.

signal clk1, clk2 : std_logic;
signal sig1 : std_logic;


clk2 <= clk1; -- clk2 lags clk1 by 1 delta

process (clk1)
sig1 <= foo;

process (clk2)
bar <= sig1;

Astute designers will modify their coding standards to disallow clock
assignments such as the one above.

Jim, when discussing the relative merits of Verilog and VHDL it is
important not to make false claims about either language.

It's actually quite easy to make races in VHDL.
I agree this is a clock to data race condition,
however, it is also easy to avoid and easy to
even forget the rule exists.

Are you suggesting that Verilog race conditions
are as simple to solve as this? :) After reading
Cliff's papers, I would conclude that it is not
an insignificant issue in Verilog.

Experience indicates that even simple examples
may produce different results on different
LRM compliant simulators.
My read on the LRM and simulation cycle says that
if two simulators execute your example differently,
one of them is not compliant.
Have you seen different results for a delta
cycle situation like this that was not a
simulator bug?


Jim, when discussing the relative merits of Verilog
and VHDL it is important not to make false claims
about either language.
Oops, it was not intentional.
Verilog does have a large, common problem in this area.
With VHDL it is minor enough to easily forget about it.

Allan Herriman wrote:

On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 15:05:11 -0800, Jim Lewis <

VHDL never had race conditions and never will.

It's actually quite easy to make races in VHDL. Experience indicates
that even simple examples may produce different results on different
LRM compliant simulators.

signal clk1, clk2 : std_logic;
signal sig1 : std_logic;


clk2 <= clk1; -- clk2 lags clk1 by 1 delta

process (clk1)
sig1 <= foo;

process (clk2)
bar <= sig1;

Astute designers will modify their coding standards to disallow clock
assignments such as the one above.

Jim, when discussing the relative merits of Verilog and VHDL it is
important not to make false claims about either language.

Jim Lewis
Director of Training
SynthWorks Design Inc.

Expert VHDL Training for Hardware Design and Verification

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