hello friends,
i am new to leonardo spectrum, but i known vhdl..
in my part of coding given below
signal pnct_indx : integer range 0 to 200;
signal cnvenc_indx : integer range 0 to 300;
ln.no process(clk,rst)
1 if rst = '1' then
2 punct_data <= (others => '0');
3 punct_full ,= '0';
4 elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
5 if count = 6 and pnct_indx < 192 and cnvenc_indx < 288 then
6 punct_data(pnct_indx to pnct_indx+3) <=
pnct_indx <= pnct_indx +4;
cnvenc_indx <= cnvenc_indx + 6;
elsif pnct_indx = 192 then
punct_full <= '1';
end if
end if
end process
when i apply this coding to leonardo spectrum level 3, i found one
error named as left bound of range doesn't evaluate to a constant at
line no. 6..
pls help me and i also got some sort warnings as
suppose this file have entity name as punctdata and rtl as
architecture name
warning is replacing punctdata in hdl libraray work.
and replacing rtl of entity punctdata...
expecting ur reply eagerly
i am new to leonardo spectrum, but i known vhdl..
in my part of coding given below
signal pnct_indx : integer range 0 to 200;
signal cnvenc_indx : integer range 0 to 300;
ln.no process(clk,rst)
1 if rst = '1' then
2 punct_data <= (others => '0');
3 punct_full ,= '0';
4 elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
5 if count = 6 and pnct_indx < 192 and cnvenc_indx < 288 then
6 punct_data(pnct_indx to pnct_indx+3) <=
pnct_indx <= pnct_indx +4;
cnvenc_indx <= cnvenc_indx + 6;
elsif pnct_indx = 192 then
punct_full <= '1';
end if
end if
end process
when i apply this coding to leonardo spectrum level 3, i found one
error named as left bound of range doesn't evaluate to a constant at
line no. 6..
pls help me and i also got some sort warnings as
suppose this file have entity name as punctdata and rtl as
architecture name
warning is replacing punctdata in hdl libraray work.
and replacing rtl of entity punctdata...
expecting ur reply eagerly